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Si buscas una bota tan cómoda como llevar unas zapatillas. Quédate.
Tengo una buena noticia para ti.
Bueno, varias.
Esta bota enamora tanto al que comienza con calzado minimalista como al más veterano en esto de tener los pies bien sanos.
*Son Unisex. El tallaje corresponde a tallaje de hombre USA.
Tallaje Unisex USA | Medida de la zapatilla (cm) | Ancho de la zapatilla (cm) | Medida de tu pie (cm) |
5 Hombre - 6,5 Mujer | 23,5 | 9,2 | 22,6-23 |
6 Hombre - 7,5 Mujer | 24 | 9,4 | 23,1-23,5 |
7 Hombre - 8,5 Mujer | 25 | 9,6 | 23,6-24,5 |
8 Hombre - 9,5 Mujer | 26 | 9,8 | 24,6-25,5 |
9 Hombre - 10,5 Mujer | 26,5 | 10 | 25,6-26 |
10 Hombre - 11,5 Mujer | 27,5 | 10,3 | 26,1-27 |
11 Hombre - 12,5 Mujer | 28,5 | 10,6 | 27,1-28 |
12 Hombre - 13,5 Mujer | 29,5 | 10,9 | 28,1-29 |
13 Hombre - 14,5 Mujer | 30 | 11,2 | 29,1-29,5 |
14 Hombre - 15,5 Mujer | 31 | 11,5 | 29,6-30,5 |
Muy bien acabadas y de calidad. Creo que cogí una talla menos y por eso, a veces me limitan la flexión del pie, pero las ato más sueltas y ya está. Muy contenta.
La bota me parece una pasada. Es cómoda, amplia, calentita. Pero tiene dos cosas que me disgustan.
La primera que se ensucia demasiado y su limpieza no es fácil, y la segunda que, para mi asombro, un día que la saque con lluvia, resbalaba. Me quedé sorprendido porque tengo otros dos calzados de lems y no resbalan nada. Seguiremos probando.
Llevo usando estas botas aproximadamente 3 años y son las mejores botas que he tenido. Cómodas, impermeables, me rinden tanto para hacer una ruta de senderismo como para vestir con unos vaqueros, son bien chulas. Me los voy a tener que volver a comprar, por que después de tanto uso de Barefoot, el pie me ha ensanchado y me están algo justas (por si a alguien le ayuda, que piense en el futuro de pedir una talla más de su habitual si todavía no le ha ensanchado el pie)
Son geniales, totalmente impermeables y muy cómodas. Estéticamente preciosas. Atención de 10 como siempre en Zami.
I bought Telluride size 11 as a "winter version" of the Primal Zen that I liked so much. I\'ll give my measurements right away to help you understand. Length (to the big toe): 27.4, Horizontal width (metatarsal heads): 11.0, Instep: medium/high. My evaluation will still be very positive, the length is perfect, but there are some objective and subjective things that I don\'t like about the width. Objective: 1- Some corners where the seams overlap are thick and hard to the point of hurting, for example at the base of the lug (inside and outside) and at the top where the tongue joins the fur (inside it is exactly on the malleolus). Problem solved by hitting with a hammer. The other seams, however, are perfect, smooth and resistant. 2- The low instep, where the transversal seam of the tongue is. Combined with the fact that the seams are hard at the corners, it almost didn\'t allow me to wear the shoe the first time. Solved by hand, pulling hard upwards, and with a shoe stretcher after having thickened it for this purpose, but I had to do the same with the Primal Zen at the start. For example, my brother has feet like mine but a higher instep and for him this boot is unusable. 3- The price, considering everything, I don\'t say it\'s excessive, but at this price every corner of the seams should be re-wrought and flattened. These are the 3 reasons why I give 4 stars.
Subjective: 1- I have very wide feet from heel to forefoot, but I don\'t have "flat feet", especially the right one, loaded it\'s about 11.2cm at the level of the metatarsal heads. I need a support base as wide and flat as possible. And the Telluride is unfortunately slightly narrower than the Primal Zen, but also deeper (U-shaped). This makes me feel the outer edge of the foot a bit compressed. On the left I\'m at the limit but still very comfortable. On the right, under the heel I created a 1mm thickness from a cork insole to fill the "U" void and widen the support base by 2mm. And I cut and filed part of the external rise of the insole for the same reason. Then I tried to insert the Zen\'s sole, and I actually feel better in width, I feel less pressure externally.
That said, the rest is wonderful. The internal padding has a good thickness to isolate from the cold while remaining soft and breathable, externally it is waterproof. It is the lightest of all the boots I have had. It is as flexible as a summer Primal Zen. It is very warm, the color is fantastic (certainly a darker version would be more appealing to many). I love the back hook, large enough to pass even large toes, very useful for putting the foot in (less to cover with pants). The sole is perfect both for being in the shop on hard surfaces, and for walking on trails. It is excellent both for the city and for the mountains, snow included. The fur edge gives a lot of softness and warmth. In addition, the suede makes the anti-water treatment more effective if done regularly.
Speaking of the insoles. For those who were wondering, they are different from those of the Primal Zen. These Telluride ones are softer and a little thicker, they also have a layer of memory foam and overall they give more of a "cloud" feeling. The upper lining is made of fabric, which also gives softness but makes the sock slip a little. But, they are slightly narrower and have a more "U" shape, which is not for me because they further narrow the support base. The Zen insoles are more rigid and less padded and the outer edge rises less, which is also why they are a bit wider and flatter, and they are covered in cork so the foot does not slip at all.
In conclusion, Telluride is a "must have" boot. Exactly halfway between a minimalist barefoot and a normal shoe. Like the other Lems, they are the ideal transition to barefoot as they are slightly cushioned. Anyone with normal/average wide and voluminous feet will find it fantastic, perhaps the most comfortable winter shoe they have ever worn, for me it is like this on the left foot, for the right now (after the modifications) it is more comfortable than the dozens of other similar models (for example the Patrol Winter Feelgrounds is so narrow that I can\'t inflate my foot). I would not recommend it only to those who have very wide feet or a very high instep (like my right one or more), because there is that rigid transverse seam, and there the boot is quite low. So I hope that Lems will make a version of its shoes in the future designed for those with "very wide and voluminous" feet.
Zapatillas-minimalistas service is always exceptional, they give me useful and very quick advice, even on whatsapp. One request, I would like to find Lems insoles available more often, I have never found my size available in any version. In Italy the package arrives in 5 working days.
Llega el invierno y un escalofrío recorre tu cuerpo.
No del frío.
Sino de tener que ponerte tus botas rígidas y estrechas del invierno anterior.
Esas que tanta incomodidad y dolores te provocaban.
Esas que estabas deseando quitártelas nada más pasar el marco de la puerta de casa.
Una tortura.
Nada que ver con las Telluride.
Esta bota te encantará tanto si vas a comenzar a cambiar a un calzado que respeta tus pies, como para lo que ya disfrutan de ellas.
Sobre todo si has probado las Primal Zen. En ese caso la sensación te será increíblemente familiar.
Solo tienes que mirar a tu pies. ¿a cuál se parece?
Si tu pie es similar al de la derecha tengo una mala noticia.
Estás usando un calzado que no deja a tus pies moverse y tus dedos expandirse.
Pero no te preocupes, tiene solución.
La lista es larga, pero todo son buenas:
Y además:
La parte superior de las Telluride está hecha de suave piel de ante, dando a tu estilo un toque de lujo.
Así que úsalas para todo: caminar, ir al trabajo, hacer la compra o un paseo por el campo.
Disfruta de las sensaciones de llevar una bota ligera que permite que tus pies trabajen a la vez que se sienten cómodos.
Si tienes los dedos juntos o apiñados puedes usar el Correct Toes mientras disfrutas de las sensaciones de las Lems Telluride.
Tus dedos se irán separando y recuperando su alineamiento sin que te des cuenta.
Cepilla la superficie con un cepillo suave para eliminar restos de polvo o arena.
Posteriormente límpialas con un trapo húmedo. Puedes aplicarle un poco de jabón neutro en casos de mayor suciedad.
Después usa tu cepillo para repasar toda la superficie y devolverle la textura a la piel.
Para saber tu talla, lo correcto es que midas tu pie y utilices el botón que se encuentra junto al selector de tallas.
Y si no se acierta a la primera, a la segunda.
El sistema para cambiar de talla es simple, rápido y gratuito si activas el seguro de cambio por 1,99€ (válido para España).
Para más información sobre el ajuste, leer este enlace.
Xero Shoes Scrambler Mid - Hombre