
Xero Shoes Z-Trail Naboso

Drop 0/Weight 170g/Stack Height 10 mm.

The new Xero Z-Trail Naboso Men's Sport Sandal features a layer of Naboso to stimulate your feet with every step. The 10mm FeelLight sole offers unprecedented protection and traction.

They dry quickly and the foot stays in place without abrasion.

Water resistant. Vegan.

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Order within 22 hours, , and received it on Friday, March 14

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 Valoración Total:

4,60/5 - 5 Customer reviews

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Tallas Z-trail Hombre
US Size

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sandal (cm)

Measure of

the longest foot


624,523,6 - 24
725,524,1 - 25
826,525,1 - 26
92726,1 - 26,5
102826,6 - 27,5
1128,527,6 - 28
1229,528,1 - 29


30,529,1 - 30
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0 1 2 3 4
Sobre la base de 5 Customer reviews Escribe una opinión
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Contento con las sandalias para llevarlas puestas un rato. Se nota la activación muscular y ayuda a relajar los pies durante una salida corta. En mi caso, no obstante, cuando la salida es más larga, de más de 45/60 minutos, la activación es mucha y me resulta incómodo para llevarlas "todo el día". De hecho probé a salir con ellas varios días, de manera progresiva, para el día, y al final se me hacía un tanto doloroso el contacto con la planta del día. Como digo, no obstante, entiendo que esto dependerá de las características de los pies de cada uno. Yo acabé utilizándolas "para ratos", pero no "para todo el día". Saludos.

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1 de 1 personas piensan que la opinión es útil
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Estoy contento con las sandalias. Las utilizo tanto para ciudad como para subir al monte. Tienen buena sujeción pero sin molestar las correas. La única pega que tienen es que cuando hace mucho calor el pie suda un poco en la planta, porque aunque el Naboso es rugoso sigue siendo plástico así que no transpira demasiado. En general estoy satisfecho.

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Muy contento. Se tarda un poco en acostumbrar el pie a la suela rugosa (podrías tener que turnarte con otras sandalias) pero es idónea para esa sensación de ir descalzo. Agarre en montaña muy bueno, no se mueve del pie y parece duradera. Un 10 a zami también por la atención post venta

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2 de 2 personas piensan que la opinión es útil
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The insoles are possibly somewhat overpriced (not by ZaMi - buying them directly from Naboso was even more expensive) but they do seem to work. So far I only wore them in a size 45 pair of Wildling Tanuki and the size L insoles were right for them, with just a little trimming necessary to give them the same shape as the original insoles. I wore them daily for a few months now and they seem to have kept in good shape.

* They really seem to improve my gait and the way my feet land
* The feeling of the little bumps under your foot is rather pleasant
* They will probably last quite a while

* I seem to basically stop feeling the bumps after I wore them for some time - they probably still do their job, but the massage sensation is gone until I wear them again after a while (could also be an advantage if you find the stimulation on your soles too much).
* I only wore them without socks. if worn with socks on their effect is much less noticeable.
* They get a bit slippery with sweat. Nothing dangerous, but it is a noticeable effect.
* They - and my feet and shoes - will stink after a day of wearing them, no way around it. They also give your soles quite a scrub and will collect dead skin on their surface. After a I wear them I just give them a quick wash with soap while scrubbing them with an old toothbrush. They dry almost immediately and the smell is gone. They can also go in the washing machine.

All in all, I\'m happy with them and would recommend them as long as you\'re ok with going without socks and washing them often.
It was my first purchase on ZaMi and everything went smoothly.

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3 de 3 personas piensan que la opinión es útil
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Fantásticas. Trabajo muchas horas de pie en un bar y, aunque ya llevo años en zapatos descalzos y me va bien un grosor medio de suela, sentía que mis plantas terminaban machacadas de estar tantas horas sobre suelo liso. Este finde he trabajado con las Naboso y, a pesar de que un trabajo así es muy cansado, el dolor ha sido muchísimo menor y el cansancio de pies y piernas ha disminuido tremendo.
Si necesitas el masaje de las piedras en tus plantas no dudes que estas plantillas no te van a defraudar. Espero que envejezcan bien, veremos, pero por ahora es mi top para pasar muchas horas en suelo liso.
Zami maravillosos como siempre, envío rapidísimo. Gracias.

Página: 1
More info

Stimulate your feet with Naboso® technology while feeling the freedom of the best-selling trail sandal.

Dr. Emily Splichal created Naboso® technology to help you improve foot activation, posture and balance.

And Xero Shoes created the Z-Trail sandal so you can truly feel your feet feel free, but protected.

From the union of the two comes the Xero Z-Trail Naboso, the first sandal that stimulates and protects in equal measure.

Of course, the Xero Z-Trail still retains its 3-layer sole:

  • The part in contact with the ground has FeelTrue® rubber for great grip and abrasion resistance.
  • TrailFoam™ midsole provides comfort and protection
  • And the foot contact layer is made of Naboso® Performance for increased foot stimulation and a sense of balance.

Plus, the outsole is highly flexible to allow your foot to move and give you more ground feel.

More reasons why you'll love the Naboso Z-Trail sandals:

  • Super comfortable tubular strap with no hard edges.
  • Z-type fit that gets the right tension on different parts of your foot.
  • Super lightweight, a men's size 9 sandal weighs 170 grams each.
  • Drop 0, they're flat, meaning your heel doesn't rise and your spine stays neutral.
  • They dry quickly and every step you take keeps your foot in place with no abrasion.
  • Ready to wear - the fit is ready to go. Just slip your foot in and you're ready to go.
  • Vegan.
Data sheet
Stack Height WITHOUT insole10 mm
Drop0 mm
Weight170 g
Minimalist FeaturesPura

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