
Pegatina 3 Siente el terreno

Minimalist Sticker Collection #4. Deja que el instinto guíe tus pies! Kilian is not able to follow a path, his feet ask for more. The path made is much less fun than creating it, free yourself and go where you please, you'll enjoy it more.

Add it to your slippers. Collect them, they're free!

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Knees suffer less with minimalist shoes

The method used was to make 22 trained individuals run barefoot and in neutral shoes, taking data on the strength, reaction, movement and kinematic and kinetic energy of the joints (ankle and knee).  Once analysed, it was concluded that the stress on the knee was reduced by 12% while running barefoot compared to running in shoes. Logically, the study concludes that running barefoot reduces knee pain (especially in the kneecap area).

Full article.

The wealth of tactile stimuli is capable of improving the proprioception of the foot

What I am proposing to the reader is a small improvement of our brain from the optimization of our own perception. That is, the body's ability to detect the movement and position of the joints (our body knows perfectly which position each adjoining segment is in space).  On a barefoot, our brain receives the information unimpeded, without interference in the form of an air chamber, and can respond to it easily, effectively and more quickly. For an athlete, this means: I stumble less, when "my ankle goes" I correct it before spraining, I find myself more agile on the descents and more balanced, etc.

Full article.

And don't forget to download the Guide to Learning the Natural Running Technique...... is FREE!

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