

Look at your shoes.

Are they nice? Modern? Maybe they cost you a pretty penny, but... do you know what they're doing to you?

Shoes that squeeze your toes, that are tight, that change the shape of your back and that over time not only make you uncomfortable,

but also leave you with consequences: Pain, discomfort, even irreversible injuries.

And the worst part is that you don't even know what's happening.

You've been sold on the idea that it's important for them to be beautiful, but no one has told you that this “cool” design is harming your health.

That's why in 2011 I said enough!

I created ZaMi to bring you something different: footwear that respects the shape and function of your foot, without forgetting aesthetics.

Minimalist, barefoot, or natural shoes, whatever you prefer to call them, but with these features:

  • Wide last for the toe area. Because bunions are not inherited, they are caused by narrow footwear.
  • Flat sole, no heel. You already have enough to endure daily, do you really need more pressure on your back?
  • Flexible, your foot is meant to move, not to be trapped.
  • Lightweight, so you feel free and light at the same time.
  • No reinforcements, your foot has everything it needs, don't limit it.

I assure you that when you put on a pair of barefoot shoes, your feet will notice. And your body will too.

But this isn't something I just made up...

In 2010 I created the blog and Barefoot Running Forum, where runners from around the world began to share their experiences.

There we realized something: the problem with our feet isn't just the footwear we use for running, it's also when we go to

the office or out on the street!

From there was born the Guide to Learning Natural Running, which I wrote together with Antonio Carrillo. It's a free guide, translated into 3 languages and downloaded by thousands of people.

And most importantly: it has helped many runners to forget about injuries. Because running should be a pleasure, not a source of problems.

So tell me...

Are you going to keep allowing those shoes to destroy your feet?

Discover our collection of barefoot shoes and give your feet what they've been screaming for for years.

They'll thank you from the first step.

Health starts at your feet.

Antonio Caballo - Founder


Your feet, knees or back hurt and you do nothing?

Fine, do nothing. But at least change your shoes.

On google you can read what they say about us.



foto antonio caballo

Antonio Caballo

Founder and content creator






Administration and sales

foto angel alcaide

Ángel Alcaide

Direction, Management, Customer service, Marketing and Social media



Warehouse and logistics



Graphic Design



Order management and preparation



RRSS, SAC y video producer and editor


From 2016 to 2023: Winners of the 'Best Minimalist Footwear Store' Award

This award consists of a free access vote carried out by the independent blog 'zapatillasminimalistas.net'
Premios Minimalistas

2024: Andalusia Award in the E-Commerce Entrepreneurship category

ZaMi - Premio Andalucia Emprendimiento E-commerce

From ZaMi to the entire world!

Since 2011, we have shipped minimalist footwear from Spain... to over 50 countries!
