I have your same hands, but different feet

I have your same hands, but different feet

Hands are always hands.

Let me explain.

If you compare your hand with someone you will see that it is always the same.

The smallest finger, the little finger.
The longest, the middle finger.

Then comes the ring finger and finally the index finger.

The fingers will be thin, fat or normal, but in length match almost always as in that order.

I say almost, because I am not 100% sure.

With my family and friends it is true, but with you I don't know.

Do the test, is your longest finger the middle finger and then the ring finger?

Then your hand is the same as mine.

And what about your feet?

There is no one equal to the other.

And I wonder why.

I have a theory:

"Hands are allowed to grow freely. Feet are not."

They are so influenced by where they have been enclosed that their shape is as different as the variety of shoes that exist.

That's why many clients say they have Greek, Egyptian, Roman feet.

They don't say anything about their hands.

They might say: "I have Greek feet like my hands".

But nobody has said it.

I'm telling you this because of Pepa.

She bought the Tracker FG, the super hiking boot from Vivobarefoot in size 38.

And although it was her size considering the length of the big toe, the rest of the toes touch clashed.

So he returned them and ordered one size up.

With the same result, they also clashed.

In total he made 3 size changes.

And with all the pain in her heart (in her words, she loves these boots), she finally had to return them.

Pepa's problem was not the size, was the shape of her foot.

All her toes are the same height.

From the big one to the little one.

So she had to choose a pair of boots with a square shape, the Xero Denver.

In the picture you can see it.
Pepa called us saying that the Xero Denver doesn't bother her toes. The shape of the boot adapts to her foot.

And that's what's important.

That the shoes that you wear are like your foot and not the other way.

It doesn't matter what shape your feet are and what you call them.

If your feet hurt or you are not comfortable, the shoes you are wearing are not for you.

And notice that both boots are minimalist, yet one has a slightly more closed last than the other.

Imagine a conventional shoe that all end in pointed shape.

Impossible to feel comfortable in them.

And much less for them to do their job properly.

So give your toes space, let your foot feel and don't forget it:

Health starts with your feet

Publicado el 03/28/2021 por @CorrerDescalzos 1 8086

1 Comentario

  • Esperanza Pinilla

    Esperanza Pinilla 03/28/2021

    Hola! Así fue, soy “Pepa” (no es mi nombre real, y así veo que además de mis pies, respetan también mi privacidad). Las Denver me van de maravilla y las Tracker... pues ahí se quedaron, preciosas pero no para mí. Tampoco es que tenga todos los dedos exactamente iguales, pero vamos, del gordo al de en medio prácticamente sí, y lis otros dos son un pelín más pequeños pero no mucho. De modo que efectivamente, la silueta como de media luna que dibuja la puntera de las Tracker hacia que mis dedos desde el medio al chiquitín chocaran contra la punta. Y yo empeñada en cambiar de talla y seguir probándome Tracker. Gracias a vuestro asesoramiento conseguí las mejores botas para mis pies, y estoy enormemente agradecida. !!!!!!!!!

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