A Goat, a Harvard DR. and, of course, Nike.

A Goat, a Harvard DR. and, of course, Nike.

Today we are premiering, but not a film, although it has something to do with it.

We are extending the series of stickers about minimalism, barefoot and natural movement.

The first one that Angel designed in 2011 was the cushioning-shoe-eating goat.

A.K.A 'Zabri' for people.

How curious.

In the film 'Smallfoot' a similar goat appears, and just like Zabri she eats some shoes.

The film is from 2018... a few years after the sticker.

And it is curious because beyond the goat, the film is about smallfoot and bigfoot.

About smallfoot and bigfoot.

The smallfoot are the humans.

And their feet are small because they wear narrow and rigid shoes that do not let their toes expand.

Bigfoot are Yeti-like animals that live in the wild.

With their big feet, which no modern shoe has enclosed and deformed.

And they go barefoot, as we have done for thousands of years.

Like all the children on the planet like to be. The first thing they do when they get home is take off their shoes.

And the main character of the new sticker knows a bit about this, about feet without shoes.

Daniel Lieberman.

Researcher and professor at Harvard University who, in his work published in Nature in 2004, says:

Humans are the animal species that can run the longest.
We are not the fastest animal, but we are the most resilient.
And this resistance has allowed us to hunt and explore new territories.

In other words (before Nike) man also ran and, for millions of years, he do it barefoot.

And without an air cushioning or foams.

And you only need one thing: your feet.

The same as yours, but more trained, more savage.

Pegatina Dr Lieberman

Another thing Lieberman discovered was that the way you run changes if you wear shoes with a heel (drop here).

If you like running, you'll like the following video.

Where they explain and analyse why when you land on your heel the impact is greater than if you land on your forefoot:

Going back to Dr. Lieberman's sticker

We include one in every order.

It is random, although if you like one in particular you can add it.

See them all clicking HERE.

And don't forget.

Health begins at your feet.

Publicado el 11/29/2020 por @CorrerDescalzos Scientific studies 0 5574

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