What Jose Juan knows, but does not do

What Jose Juan knows, but does not do

José Juan is just over 30 years old, but his back hurts as if he were 70.

He moves, he moves, but not on foot.

He do it sitting in a car, van or truck.

He has stopped going to the doctor.

Every time he talks about his back pain, he says that it is because he has a few extra kilos.

And that is not entirely true.

He simply accumulates a few extra kilos every year, and of course, the more years the more kilos he has.

The thing is increasing and you know...

But the important thing is the back pain.

His friends tell him that he has to do sport.

He should go to the gym, start running, cycling....

But José Juan is more about PCR: Pizza, Cold beer and Relax.

Netflix, HBO and Prime.

Even so, he is very friendly and he has listened to his friends, but he is going to start with the easy stuff.


He doesn't need any extra motivation.

He doesn't need to follow any influencer that whip his conscience like Homer Simpson.

Walking is a easy thing. We all know how to do it, don't we?

If we were barefoot or wearing flat shoes the back keeps in neutral position, and when walking the foot rest first on the heel, to quickly balance and unload the body's weight on the forefoot.
The transition from heel to forefoot is fast and smooth.

But if we wear shoes with heels, the curves of the back are modified, the swing is less fluid and there is more impact on the heel.
And because the stride is usually extended, the knee is blocked when the heel touch the ground, so the leg doesn't cushion the impact.

Going back to José Juan.

As he does not like to move too much, he looked for a way to get the best from his walks.

And searching, searching he found us.

He doesn't want to run, just walk.

And he asked us if the minimalist shoes were suitable for walking.

Sometimes this question surprises me.

Barefoot shoes are for everyone and for all situations.

As long as you can't go barefoot, they are the best alternative for your feet.

The more you use them, better will be.

And when walking in minimalist shoes José Juan kills two birds with one stone.

On the one hand, the foot works more and all the muscles that assist it: twins, soleus, tibia...

And on the other hand, he does it correctly. Without the heel of the shoe modifying the curves of his battered back.

An ideal solution.

If it happens to you like it did to José Juan, don't hesitate.

Walk, run or jump with minimalist shoes.

The health of your back starts with your feet.

Publicado el 11/22/2020 por @CorrerDescalzos 0 4421

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