People who correct their feet, how do they do it? Juan's story.

People who correct their feet, how do they do it? Juan's story.

Many years ago I met Juan. When ZaMi was born.
In 2011.

A very polite person, with a gift for listening and an accurate critical sense.

A Gentleman.

Juan had problems with his knee and his feet. And looking for solutions he found us.

It was by casuality.

The problems appeared when he recovered his physical activity after years of sedentary life.


    52,000 people die every year in Spain because of physical inactivity.

When he walks or cycles, his right knee hurts.

And on the bicycle his foot moves outwards.

He notice a muscular imbalance and a lack of flexibility in his legs and feet.

He also complains of problems in his back and headaches.

As a good analyst, Juan knows that behind his aches and pains there is a reason.

But which one?

⁃ Juan, there is only one thing that is 100% certain. We were not born with shoes on our feet. What happens if you put a glove on your hands when you are born?

You lose sensitivity. You wouldn't have the same feeling, would you?

Juan nods his head.

- What if the glove is rigid, heavy and you can hardly move it?

Your hand would lose strength and dexterity. The lack of mobility would end up atrophying your muscles.

Well, that's what happens to your feet. From the moment we are born, we put on shoes and they become narrower, stiffer, with heels and cushioning.

Juan's face becomes thoughtful. The arguments fit in him and a slight smile is drawn on his face.

And the conversation continued on.

We talked about running technique, impact, drop, cushioning, dorsiflexion, spine, knees...evolution, man, palaeolithic, running, tarahumara...

Juan, convinced of the logic of the arguments, takes two pairs of shoes.
A Vivobarefoot street model for everyday life. The off-brand Oak.

And the Vivobarefoot Neo. A multipurpose shoe.

A few days later I receive the following email:

I've been wearing the shoes I bought for a few days.

I'm noticing quite a bit of change, because I wear the shoes every day.
The truth is that I feel that my legs work completely differently, I imagine that this will be normal, and they are adapting.

What I was going to say is that now when I put on a normal shoe, even if it has a low heel, I notice a lot of difference, so I think that if this continues I will have to change all my shoes.

6 months later Juan is writing again:

I believe that most people do not wear minimal everyday shoes, which I modestly believe is the fundamental basis, along with walking, for correcting problems. What I know is that feet and legs are getting quite strong, I think it wouldn't be the same without walking.

And the year ends with this sentence:

On Thursday I was at the clinic, where I have been treated since 2010.
In short, I was with the physiotherapist and podiatrist and with this one, after putting me on the machine, told me that he did not give me a 10 because 10 does not exist, but that was perfect.

Apparently, he has commented on my case in several congresses and they have asked my permission to do so.
I've been meeting him and he's been sending me the infographics since my first visit.
When I have them, I'll let you know and I'll spend an afternoon in Marchena and we'll talk in more detail.

Juan is delighted with his reborn feet. So is his podiatrist.

After a year of wearing minimalist shoes for everything, his feet are working perfectly.

At that time Juan was 50 years old. He was no child.
This shows the resilience of the body and the feet.

What 3 things did Juan do to recover his feet and eliminate discomfort?

1.- Wearing minimalist shoes all the times.

At home barefoot or with Falke socks if it was cold.

2.- Be aware of the importance of your feet.

When walking with minimalist shoes or barefoot you could feel your feet, but he did not do anything, he did not try to modify his movements.

He simply let them adapt to the terrain and feel them: how the toes open, the supports, the sensations when changing terrain.

3.- As a last detail, before going to bed, he would finish the day by massaging them.

Simple, but effective.

Let your feet behave like feet.

Now Juan can spend hours walking.

And the head and back problems that he never related to the feet before disappeared.

If you have knee, foot or hip problems, minimalist everyday shoes can help you eliminate them.

The Vivobarefoot RA II and Gobi II are models similar to wich John wore in his recovery.

They can be used for work, shopping, walking, even dancing.

As a multi-purpose sports shoe for walking, running, jumping or cycling, Vivobarefoot has the Primus Lite II.

Below you can see these models.

Health starts with your feet.

Publicado el 10/05/2020 por @CorrerDescalzos 0 4485

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