Between you and me. Why minimalist/barefoot shoes are so expensive?

Between you and me. Why minimalist/barefoot shoes are so expensive?

Sometimes this question arrives to me.

And I really don't know what to say, it's the price that the market sets.

But if you ask why having less material, they have the same price as a "rubber-block" Nike, the answer is that the price of manufacturing, distribution and marketing is the same.

The only difference is the amount of material used.

And that only implies 2 or 3 euros per pair in the cushioned ones.

But of course, there are those who prefer 'big horse, walk or no walk'.

If it is bigger, it must cost more.

Another more deliberate question is if they are cheaper over the time.

To answer this question, two things must be considered:

1. Injuries, Discomfort and Pain

I became a minimalist looking for a solution to multiple injuries.

When it wasn't periostitis, it was chondromalacia, but fasciitis...(and meanwhile) lumbar discomfort, contractures and something else I forget.

I was a "hurt" runner, always putting patches here and there.

My body sink more water than a sieve.

Sound familiar?

In that case, how much would you have paid to avoid or minimize injuries?

I would have paid the thousands of euros I spent on hyper-cushioned shoes, various insoles, physiotherapists, chiropractors... and left behind the frustration and even sadness, which I felt every time I was injured, if...

If someone had told me that the solution was to let my feet work
and run with minimal protection.

Then, they wouldn't be so expensive, cheap instead.

On the other hand, the minimalist shoes were the way to get into other disciplines
that have improved my life in other fields:

Barefoot, natural training and evolutionary eating.

Knowing them brought me closer to myself.

It made me more human and more resistant to injuries.

2. And regarding durability.

How much do you recommend using a shock-absorbing shoe? 500, 800, 1000 km?

Once a Professor in Biomechanics told me in 'petit comité' that in laboratory tests he had done, most brands did not exceed 200km.

From then on, if you run landing on your heel, the shoe loses its effectiveness in limiting (rather than eliminating) impact.

And what about the minimalist shoes? How long do they last?

Until you make a hole in the sole. I told you about it here.


are minimalist shoes expensive?

Seeing all the benefits they bring to you, no.

And that's because they are the same price as Nike or Adidas shoes that use the same quality of materials.

But they do give you something:

  • A sole over 15 mm thick that produces instability and loss of sensitivity of the ground
  • High drop (heel) that modifies the natural curves of your spine
  • Lateral reinforcements for minimum foot movement. Weakening it.

As a short summary.

Minimalist/barefoot shoes have the same price as a cushioned shoe with the advantage that they let your foot work, do not affect you negatively and last longer.

It's all a matter of taste.

Although to keep your feet working properly on rainy and cold days, the boots come in.

Boots that allow the foot to work, wide in the toes, without heels, light and flexible.

Some are vegan, leather, waterproof, up to the ankle, up to the knee....

Below I leave you some models.

And remember.

Health begins from the feet.

Publicado el 10/02/2020 por @CorrerDescalzos 2 11270

2 Comentarios

  • Toni Almirón Ruiz

    Toni Almirón 10/12/2020

    No voy a dejar de comprar zapatillas minimalistas porque sean caras. Para mí no hay alternativa. El resto de zapatillas no las considero una opción.

    Pero tengo que decir que yo venía de comprar calzado de, como mucho, 60€ el par. Así que considero que las minimalistas SÍ son caras. Aunque yo no he tenido problemas (conscientes) de rodillas, espalda u otras cosas.

    Por otro lado, si lo que queremos es llevar un calzado hecho para humanos no deberíamos ni plantearnos comprar calzado convencional. En este sentido me parece absurdo comparar el precio del calzado minimalista con el convencional. Son dos cosas totalmente diferentes.
  • Rafael Casado Caballero

    Rafael Casado 10/05/2020

    Ojalá las zapatillas minimalistas duraran hasta que se hiciera un agujero en la suela. Lo mas comun es que se te empiecen a ver los dedos por rotura o desgaste del upper. No por mala calidad, sino por la absurda busqueda de la ligereza extrema en detrimento de la durabilidad.
    Al fin y al cabo si te dedicas a fabricar zapatillas no quieres algo que dure "demasiado". Si en un año una persona te ha comprado dos zapatillas siempre sera mejor para ti que si compra una.

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