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In this category of articles we will try the scientific studies that approach some aspect relative with barefoot. Always from a neutral point of view and with the collaboration of the blog specialized in the technique barefoot,
Last week I told you how Cristina was struggling to make progress.That many believe that putting on barefoot shoes is like changing coats.That the next day your feet will heal on their own, injuries will disappear, and you'll even run faster than Usain Bolt after three coffees.You see, it doesn't work that way...Leer más
Do you know how Luis Enrique, the coach and footballer, eliminated allergies?If you are one of those who spend the whole day in shoes, even at home, this article will interest you.Leer más
The phone rings. The voice is crackly.He introduces himself, his name is Pedro and he has Parkinson's disease. Leer más
Scientific studies are very relative, but there is something important that makes them more valuable: the size of the sample.Leer más
Today I'll tell you what a dentist thinks about feet.It may sound strange, but it's worth reading, because in the end it all makes sense.Leer más
Today's is a simple test to help you predict your life expectancy.And it's so powerful, you don't have to take into account your age, gender, body mass index or whether you have heart disease, hypertension or diabetes.Leer más
Today we are premiering, but not a film, although it has something to do with it.We are extending the series of stickers on minimalism, barefoot and natural movement.The first one that Angel designed in 2011 was the shock-absorbing shoe-eating goat.Leer más
One of my worst memories of my time as a runner in cushioned shoes is the pain in my toes. When it came to choosing a size, I didn't follow any rules. If my toes were almost at the tip of the shoe, they were fine. They are my size.Leer más
Translation and adaptation of the original article written by Steve Magness, coach at the University of Houston (USA).Leer más
We continue with the second part of the article written by Steve Magness, coach at the University of Houston (USA)Leer más
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