This client came from Portugal just for this reason

This client came from Portugal just for this reason

What does it take to travel hundreds of kilometers, cross the border, and find yourself in a small town like Marchena?

No, it’s not to see monuments, stroll through its cobblestone streets, or walk under the spectacular Arco de la Rosa, although you’d have plenty of reasons to.

It’s to buy shoes.

Yes, minimalist shoes, the kind that make your feet come back to life.

That’s what Itai did. From Portugal.

Itai is a musician, a drummer, and he plays with a particularity.

He plays barefoot, like children running in Kenya and many other countries.

Long before knowing what barefoot was.

Because he felt he played better. That he had more control.

Pure intuition, pure logic, or pure music, who knows.

In the end, life is all about feeling, isn’t it?

Feeling every step, every note, every moment.

When he walked through the door, he was wearing a pair of Lems Primal Zen that had seen better days.

The heels had a hole, something quite common when you start with barefoot shoes.

Do you know why that happens?

Because traditional footwear teaches us to rely more on our heels.

That heel you’ve worn your whole life makes you take longer steps with more impact. Breaking that habit takes time.

You don’t lose weight by eating an apple one day if you’ve been eating a donut every day.

The curious thing is that, despite the hole, he kept wearing them.


Because, according to him, they were the most comfortable shoes he had ever worn in his life.

Itai came with a clear idea.

He wanted shoes that could handle everything: the city, nature... whatever came his way.

He liked the Vivobarefoot Tracker Forest, but after trying them, he said high tops weren’t his thing.

He wanted something lighter, more versatile.

When he tried the Vivobarefoot Magna Forest, he fell in love!

Like falling in love with that jacket that feels like you’re not even wearing it or those pants that feel like a second skin.

They provide just enough protection, are light as air, and perfect for someone seeking movement without giving up comfort.

Here’s where I’ll tell you something important.

I’ve had my issues with Vivobarefoot over domain matters, but that doesn’t stop me from recommending them.

Their shoes are spectacular and have contributed so much to the barefoot movement. So, as long as I can, I’ll keep selling them.

While we were talking, Itai asked about the shoes I was wearing: a pair of Feroz Paterna leather in nut color.

Do you know that feeling of coming home and putting on your favorite slippers? That’s what Itai said when he tried them on.

He immediately noticed the difference: from shoes like Lems, which offer more protection, to Feroz shoes that let you feel everything.


He took those too.

To wrap up his visit on a high note, Itai was looking for something to run on natural terrains that was also waterproof.

The answer was clear: the Groundies All Terrain Waterproof.

Perfect for facing nature without worrying about the rain.

There you go, ready for a long season.

A trip well spent.

To end, I leave you with my usual wish, tied to the memory of a friend who left too soon.

Movement starts with your feet.
And movement is life.
And life is wonderful.


Even if sorrow strikes,
even if you have nothing to eat,
even if you lose your way.

In memoriam A.L.

Antonio Caballo.

P.S. Health starts at your feet. Also in what you eat and the hours you sleep, but especially in your feet. They are the ones who hold up your world, so take care of them.

Publicado el 11/16/2024 por @antonio.caballo Footwear for wide feet or... 1 2548

1 Comentario

  • Covadonga Fernandez Telenti

    Covadonga Fernandez 11/30/2024

    Si, lo entiendo pq yo tb vine desde San Sebastián a la tienda de Marchena para tener la posibilidad de probarme mis botas Lems,
    Y lo cierto es que acerté. Estoy feliz con mis botas. A ver si os animáis a abrir más tiendas por el resto de la península. Es muy importante poder tener los consejos del experto; y con lo caros que son los zapatos barefoot, resulta de gran ayuda poder estar y hablar y probar distintos modelos y marcas. Yo recomiendo este sitio Zami al 100%.

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