Did you know how Luis Enrique, the coach and footballer, eliminated Allergies?

Did you know how Luis Enrique, the coach and footballer, eliminated Allergies?

Do you know how Luis Enrique, the coach and footballer, eliminated allergies?

By walking barefoot.

Yes, that's right.

If you are one of those who spend the whole day in shoes, even at home, this article will interest you.

You will see.

Nowadays the barefoot movement has mostly focused on minimalist footwear, but the real essence of barefoot is walking barefoot.

When I myself started barefoot back in 2010, I used to practice it a lot.

Not just at home, but running barefoot on trails and even on soft asphalt.

And I wasn't the only one; many of us on the correrdescalzos.es forum did the same.

We wanted to improve our running technique and strengthen our feet in the best possible way: barefoot.

Although barefoot shoes offer great benefits for your feet, we can't forget how important direct contact with the ground is.

So when I heard the news that Luis Enrique walks barefoot every morning as part of his training routine at PSG, I wasn't surprised at all.


This habit, known as earthing-grounding, consists of walking barefoot on the ground to reconnect with the natural energy of the soil.

Luis Enrique practices it every day, hot or cold, and has noticed great benefits, such as the disappearance of his spring allergies.

And it is not a passing fad; it is a way of reconnecting with what is essential: the earth.

Through our feet, we capture sensations as pure as the freshness of grass or the roughness of asphalt.

It's an experience that everyone should try, even if it's just for a little while.

As I said before, I am not the only one who thinks this way.

I share with you a beautiful poem sent to me by Claudia, a loyal ZaMi customer, written by the Argentinian children's storyteller Elsa Isabel Bornemann.

Although it is for children, its message is universal:

Versitos para descalzarnos

Barefoot and free
-barefoot in the wind-
the little animals
walk happily.

Does the squirrel
wears slippers?
Does the toad wear galoshes?
Sandals the cat?

Neither ducks nor paws
wear espadrilles...
nor do porcupines
that wear booties!

Let's go barefoot
-even for a little while-.
Let's forget together
socks and shoes!
Barefoot and free.
Let's go barefoot!
(to feel its caress
even once...).

What a mischief!
-city kids... -.
Barefoot the siesta,
feet in freedom...'

This poem is not only an invitation to freedom, it is an ode to the natural, to what we have forgotten in our modern life.

To go barefoot is to reconnect with that part of us that still needs to feel the ground beneath our feet.

For my part, I encourage you to incorporate barefoot walking or running into your routine.

It is, without a doubt, one of the best tools I know of to improve the strength and health of your feet.

As Luis Enrique says, it's a way to heal the body and reconnect with nature. And if you dare to try it, you will notice the difference.

However, for everyday life, I understand that you can't always go barefoot.

That's where barefoot footwear comes in, and if it's from Mustang, all the better.

These shoes have been designed by Dr. Juanjo López, Carlos Alcaraz's doctor, to offer the closest thing to barefoot walking.

For Women, Men and Children.

Keep that freedom your feet need.


Antonio Caballo

Health starts with your feet.

Publicado el 09/29/2024 por @antonio.caballo Scientific studies, Children's feet and... 1 2673

1 Comentario

  • Moisés Cañuelo Polo

    Moisés 10/04/2024

    Como siempre, artículo interesante. Muchas gracias por todo lo que haces para que los que queremos pies y en consecuencia estar mas sanos no nos tachen de locos jaja. Felicidades y gracias!

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