Do you know what the WORST thing that can happen to your new shoes is?

Do you know what the WORST thing that can happen to your new shoes is?

You know the worst thing that can happen to your new shoes?

They're killing you...and it's not even the shoe's fault!

It's the damn pinky toe.

You see.

You buy those shoes that make you feel like you're walking down a runway.

You look in the mirror. You look amazing. You take a couple of steps and suddenly...

...BAM! there it is: your pinky screaming like it's been crushed by a rock.

It's happened to you, hasn't it?

Sure it has.

At first you ignore it, because you think it's just a graze.

But with every step, the little guy starts to claim his place in this world, or rather, in your shoe.

And suddenly, you find yourself walking as if you were Chiquito de la Calzada, moving your feet as if you were stepping on eggs.

The problem is not just the little finger.

It affects all the toes.

They end up mounted on top of each other, in claws, and your feet look like a badly assembled jigsaw puzzle.

Does "hammertoes" or "metatarsalgia" ring a bell?

Well, it's all because of the little space your toes have in those cute shoes you bought.

And you think: "Well, I can't do anything about it".

No way!

People get very creative when the pain gets too much and there are solutions for all tastes.

From those who paint their little finger the same colour as the shoe (to see if that will make the damn toe disappear!), to those who, I'm not exaggerating, cut off their toe.

They don't?

Yes, they do!

There are people who prefer surgery to changing their shoes.

Then there is Mari Carmen, my dear colleague.

She, instead of cutting off her toe, she forces it into her shoe.

Of course, every now and then the little finger slips out as if she were trying to run away.

Yes, as you can hear.

At the last fair in my village, the poor girl was looking divine in her flamenco dress and her esparto wedges, but a couple of times her little finger slipped out, as if it had escaped from a prison of cloth and esparto grass.

Oju, oju, oju....

But if you think that's a problem, let me tell you about Julia.

She visited us this week because she couldn't stand the pain in her little fingers.

At first glance, her feet looked fine, but if you looked closely, you could see how her pinkies were twisted inwards, as if they had decided to turn in on their own.

He had a spacer between his 4th and 5th toe, and although I thought it was funny, I knew that no matter how much I used it, if the shoe didn't give him enough room, it wasn't going to fix anything.

It was like putting a band-aid on a wound that needs staples.

So Rafa, who knows what he's doing, brought her some Lems Shoes.

Julia put them on, took two steps and with a smile that didn't fit on her face, she said:

"Oh my God, I don't feel a thing. I feel so comfortable, it's as if my feet were free.

And that's the key. It's not just a question of comfort. It's liberating.

When you give your feet the space they need, your whole body feels it. And that changes everything.

Your toes are made to move.

And conventional shoes squash them, destroy them.

That's why you get aches and pains that you don't even know where they come from.

And the problem is that, even if you don't notice it at first, sooner or later, it takes its toll.

That's why Julia came.

To get shoes that wouldn't hurt her, that would give her space.

And that's why she got the second best transition shoe of all time:

Don't say I didn't tell you.


Health starts with your feet.

Antonio Caballo

PS. If you don't want to end up with twisted pinkies and messed up feet, take the plunge. Don't keep torturing yourself.

Stop by the shop. Your little finger and your body will thank you.

Publicado el 09/21/2024 por @antonio.caballo Claw toes, crowded toes,..., Footwear for wide feet or... 0 1450

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