Why do people criticize barefoot footwear so much without knowing it?

Why do people criticize barefoot footwear so much without knowing it?

Today I want to talk to you about something that I'm sure has happened to you.

I'm talking about those criticisms that many people launch against barefoot shoes, even before trying them.

It's a topic that turns me on (less and less), I confess, and that's why I want to dedicate this post to it.

Well, why do you think people criticise barefoot shoes?

At my opinion, it's a simple fear of the unknown and of stepping out of one's comfort zone. In many ways, barefoot footwear is a back to basics, a way of reconnecting back to basics, a way of reconnecting with our nature.

And of course, sometimes the natural is scary, especially when we are so used to artificial comfort.

What strikes me most is how the same arguments are always repeated:

"That's not good for your feet",

"You're going to hurt yourself",

"Where's the cushioning?

Yavestruz, as if our bodies haven't been running, walking or jumping for thousands and thousands of years.

It seems that without the cushioning that Nike invented in the 70's (Nike sells you cushioning and Barefoot Running), our feet are going to disintegrate with every step. When the reality is just the opposite.

I didn't see it before. I didn't see it before, and for years I was immersed in the world of conventional running shoes, those full of technologies, gels and air chambers that promised to and inner tubes that promised wonders.

At the beginning everything seemed perfect, like in fairy tale marriages, until the discomfort started the discomfort, the injuries and, in short, the wear and tear on my body. on my body.

It was when I discovered barefoot and minimalist running shoes (how Nike turned on the light bulb for me to change to minimalist shoes) that I really understood how my body was supposed to work when walking or running.

The minimalist footwear not only allows you to feel the terrain, but it also strengthens every muscle and ligament in your feet, giving your body back its natural balance. its natural balance.

One of our customers, Gloria, wrote to me recently and says it better than I can:

"Good morning,

now I got my Merrell shoes and I'm delighted, they fit me very well and what a difference and what a difference, I have put them on this morning to go to work and I've had a nice I have put them on this morning to go to work and I have had a good walk.

In the Vivobarefoot and the Saguaro I felt the ground a lot and my feet are not ready for that yet. I also noticed that the arch of my foot doesn't go in so much, so it's great.

They are having a lot of success, people are asking me, now I just had an online session with the Improve Clinic online session with the Improve clinic and I'm very happy. I'm getting better because my feet are terrible.

I've been barefoot for 1 year with barefoot and walking barefoot and I still have a lot of problems, but it's like they told me today at Jesus Serrano's clinic, it's the same as if you have never been to the gym and you beat yourself up.

The first day it's normal that it's difficult, but with time it gets better and more so after so many years of having it wrong, even if you thought you were wearing a good shoe. wear a good shoe.

The good thing about it is that you have to work at it and it benefits your whole body, not just your feet.

If I had continued to wear conventional shoes, I don't think I could even move today.

A for example, one thing that happened to me very often was that I would twist my ankle and since I've been wearing these shoes it hasn't twisted twisted again.

I don't know why people criticise it so much".

So, why so many doubts?

We are so accustomed to the idea that we need extra support and protection that we forget that our feet are that we forget that our feet are designed to be strong and agile on their own

We have been bombarded with so much advertising that we've bought into the idea that the more "fashionable" the shoe, the better for us.


The real problem is that changing requires effort and often time.

From In fact, if you do decide to take the plunge, the first thing I recommend is to do it little by little. As with everything else, the transition is key to avoid injuries and to your feet to get used to working again as they should.

And here comes the great truth: those who criticize the barefoot shoes without having worn them, are like those who give their opinion about a food without having a food without having tasted it.

My recommendation is simple: try it.

No I'm not asking you to change your entire shoe wardrobe, but give your feet a chance to feel free. a chance for your feet to feel free and natural.

This way So the next time you hear someone saying that barefoot shoes don't make sense, just barefoot doesn't make sense, just ask them:

"Have you tried it yet?"

If the answer is No,


their opinion doesn't carry much weight.

See you next Sunday.

Health starts with your feet.

Antonio Caballo

Pd. Gloria's Merrell shoes here.

And in the Waterproof Goretex version here, in case you go through wet places or take a walk in the snow with good 5 fingers-toe socks.

For sportive breathable version in here and Goretex Waterproof here.

Publicado el 08/18/2024 por @antonio.caballo Nike and minimalist shoes, Children's feet and... 2 3997

2 Comentarios

  • Antonio Alvarado

    Antonio Alvarado 08/18/2024

    Puff si te contase, mis primeras zapatillas barefoot fueron de Camper, las Peu hace muchos años. Iba a la oficina con ellas y no paré de recibir bromas por parte de todo el mundo (compañeros y compañeras) sobre que si parecía que tenía pies de pato...

    Luego empecé a usar deportivas para correr y, provocó que dejase un club de running que suele practicar en El Retiro en Madrid porque todo eran "bromas" por parte de los compañeros y compañeras; luego me he centrado en correr en el parque de mi barrio y me pasa lo mismo cuando me cruzo con algún grupito de algún club, todos mirándome raro y poniendo caras y siempre suele hablar en voz alta el experto de la barra de bar del club que sabe de todo y dice que son muy malas y que seguro que me lesiono...

    Hace mucho que me resbala, pero resulta triste ver lo simples que podemos llegar a ser.
    • Antonio Caballo

      Antonio Caballo 08/23/2024

      Te entiendo perfectamente, y créeme, he pasado por lo mismo cuando empecé con el barefoot allá por 2010. Recuerdo las risas y comentarios en el pueblo y en el club de atletismo. Es increíble cómo la gente opina sin saber de qué va.

      Lo importante es que tú sabes lo que es mejor para tus pies y tu cuerpo. Lo demás, como dices, acaba resbalando. ¡Sigue adelante y no dejes que los prejuicios te frenen!

      Un abrazo,
      Antonio Caballo

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