Orthopedic insoles in minimalist footwear? What NO ONE had told you

Orthopedic insoles in minimalist footwear? What NO ONE had told you

Listen to me!

Today we're going to talk about something that may seem obvious, but that can really change things when it comes to minimalist shoes.

Yes, I know I've told you a thousand times about orthopaedic insoles.

Those that some people love and others hate.

But today we're going to give them a twist.

If you are in that dilemma of insoles Yes, insoles No, the first thing you must be clear about is that we are talking about orthopaedic insoles.

Because there are other types of insoles that simply aim to give you comfort, protect you from the cold or cover those annoying seams.

But today we are going to focus on the ones that podiatrists or orthopaedic surgeons order, and here there is something very logical that escapes many of us.

I'm telling you this because the other day Ángel received a message that is very useful for this subject.

I'll summarise it for you because it's worth it:

"As I told you, I have a pathological foot and I don't start with healthy feet, but it's clear to me that being able to make the toes work, the musculature be strong, etc. is vital.

My new podiatrist and traumatologist, after surgery, are very open and totally positive towards this mentality and I'm certainly improving a lot in the month and a half I've been doing daily exercises, intrinsic musculature, etc.

The Lems shoes you recommended are just the compromise I needed.

The doctor has told me that I may have to wear the insole on and off (exertion) or for life, as there are a lot of bones that are now under a lot of mechanical stress.

But it is vital that even though I wear them, that my foot is working and "holding" on to its muscles, plus an insole is designed to be worn on a flat, stable surface and then they are put into a wobbly, forward leaning shoe, so their effect is lost or even worse."

Note well, this person has a pathological foot.

That is, we are not talking about an ordinary foot.

And the doctors told him that, even if he had to wear insoles, it was crucial that his feet work on a flat, stable surface.

And guess what?

Not all shoes allow for that.

And here's the crux of the matter: insoles, in order to really do their job, have to be worn in flat, wide, non-reinforced and flexible shoes.

Effectiviwonder, a minimalist shoe.

Putting an insole in a shoe that doesn't meet these characteristics is like putting bicycle wheels on a tractor... It won't work!

So, if you are one of those who need insoles, look for a minimalist shoe.

The Lems that the message talks about are the Primal 3 and they have a 1cm thick sole.

For some it's too thick, for others it's key.

And what if you use insoles and want to try removing them?

You're in luck, because there's a perfect time and a perfect shoe to do it.

Summer and minimalist sandals.

Hoop, hoop, hoop.

There are countless models, but I'm going to recommend the ones I've been wearing every day since June.

I've worn them for everything, and when I say everything I mean literally, they've been my only footwear, I've even dared to swim with them in the sea in an area full of rocks.

Besides, this year I felt like a change.

I've been wearing minimalist sandals with the strap between the toes for years and I wanted something different, for that reason and for their spartan aesthetics I decided on the Zauri Ulises.

In Desert Brown and Obsidian Black. Besides, they are Unisex.

The best footwear for summer. I have no doubts.

Sandals, yavestruz.


Health starts with your feet.

Antonio Caballo.

Publicado el 08/11/2024 por @antonio.caballo Podiatrists' opinion on... 0 7329

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