Tarahumara woman does NOT want Nikes for this reason

Tarahumara woman does NOT want Nikes for this reason

Remember the movie Rocky IV, when Balboa takes on the Russian giant Ivan Drago?

Drago trains in a state-of-the-art gym, surrounded by technicians and scientists who watch his every move and doped Drago by injecting him with steroids or something similar.

Rocky, however, does just the opposite, training in the natural environment of frozen Siberia:

He runs through the snow,

climbs mountains,

cuts wood,

lifts logs,

and carries sledges, strengthening not only his body but also his mind.

Why am I telling you this?

Because just as Rocky rejected technology in his training, 100km runner and marathon winner Lorena Ramirez has rejected the high-tech footwear offered by Nike.

And Lorena has a good reason:

"People who wear them always run behind me."

She says in a post on Instagram. In the postscript I'll leave it for you.

It's funny, because in the book "Running with Kenyans", author Adharanand Finn noticed something similar:

"In a race, the thicker the children's running shoes were, the further behind they were at the finish line."

And what does this show?

That technology isn't always the answer and that sometimes going back to basics is what really drives you forward.

And barefoot or minimalist footwear is a clear example of how going back to basics can be your best choice.

If what you put on your feet looks like a foot, then you're on the right track.

  • Your toes can open up and move freely as you have enough space.
  • Improve your balance and stability by being closer to the ground.
  • Your foot and ankle muscles are strengthened by having nothing to impede your movements.

And you can use your body's ability to sense its position in space, allowing you to adapt to different surfaces and improve your running technique.

And maybe, just maybe, because of these things, Lorena and the Kenyan children prefer to wear simple sandals to Nike's clunky running shoes.

Yavestruz, what a thing!

Train like Rocky, run like Lorena and choose minimalist shoes.


Health starts with your feet.

Antonio Caballo.

PS1. Remember, if what you put on your feet looks like a foot, then you're on the right track.

PS2. Here's Lorena talking about the Nike giveaway.

Publicado el 07/28/2024 por @antonio.caballo Running Technique, Nike and minimalist shoes 0 4104

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