Although you can do like Juan, huaraches are NOT just for Running

Although you can do like Juan, huaraches are NOT just for Running

Today I'm going to tell you about my friend Juan, about the footwear par excellence for summer, which he knows very well, and about how our lives crossed. Unlike other times, Juan is his real name.

I have known Juan since my first steps in the world of barefoot. Not only is he a customer of the shop, but we have met in many races and events. Little by little, we became friends. Friends that you know will be there for everything.

We even got to walk together through part of the majestic Moroccan Atlas on a trip that I will never forget and that one day I will tell you about.

Over time, Juan has become an experienced runner. He has competed in all kinds of races, and his times are really impressive.

Lately, he has a tradition of running an international marathon every year with a group of friends. He has conquered the Berlin Marathon, the World Record Marathon, the Paris Marathon, and this year he has his sights set on Lisbon.

The thing is, I called him the other day because I needed something from his company. You know, when you need something, the best thing to do is to call on friends. Call it circular economy.

And there we were, laughing and reminiscing, catching up, when he told me that he had run the Mérida Half Marathon.

So far so normal.

But no, the funny thing is that he ran it dressed as a Roman. Yes, with tunic and everything. And best of all, he wore minimalist sandals on his feet.

Can you imagine? 21 kilometres running in Roman attire, with only sandals on his feet.


And this is where I want to talk about the minimalist sandals.

At first all the designs were inspired by the sandals worn by the Tarahumara, the Indians in the famous book 'Born to Run', and called huaraches.

These sandals are not only a tribute to the classic style, but also represent the essence of minimalism: endurance and a pure connection with the terrain.

Today, minimalist sandals have evolved with many designs and colours, but with the same ultimate goal: to make your life simpler and more authentic.

And speaking of authentic, among so many sandal models, there is one that never goes out of fashion. They look like the old Roman sandals, but with a more modern design.

What I love about these sandals is that they represent much more than just footwear. They are a lifestyle, a conscious choice for those who want to reduce excess and live more fully. With these sandals, you not only carry a piece of history on your feet, but you also join a community that values simplicity and authenticity.

But be warned, they're not for running marathons, like Juan does.

The sandals that I present to you are for your day-to-day and for any adventure that you have in mind: Whether it's an urban hike, a country getaway, or just a stroll around town. These sandals adapt to everything.

A piece of rubber strapped to your feet.

There is something simpler.

Zauri Ulises.

To step into the Ulysses is to embrace a life of authenticity, freedom and deep connection to the land you walk on.

Health begins at your feet.

Antonio Caballo

PS: Can I wear my orthotics with the sandals? I talked about it here.

Publicado el 06/02/2024 por @antonio.caballo Footwear for wide feet or..., Knee pain, osteoarthritis,... 0 2773

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