When a client makes a mess

When a client makes a mess

Today I'm going to tell you what's going on at Zami, where every day is a story in itself.

On the one hand, there are the customers who arrive with serious foot problems, looking for something that really relieves them and allows them to walk without every step feeling like an ordeal. When you find them that perfect pair and see their face light up, you feel great, like you've done something great, like a hero without a cape.

But it's not all that simple.

Because you also come across the undecideds. These are the ones who make you sweat. They don't know whether they want the shoes in red, blue, leather or fabric, and they make you take all the boxes out of the warehouse.

I know that every customer is different, that you learn something from everyone, even from those who make you dance more than you should, but my friend, some of them are heavier than a cow in your arms.

I'll tell you what happened.

Miguel, (hereafter "er tío") comes in looking for hiking boots to do the Camino de Santiago in May. He wants to enjoy the experience, not suffer it.

So I get him three Xero cucumbers that are like going in boots: Daylite, Scrambler and Xcursion.

He tries on the three models in his size, walks around the shop, looks in the mirror... and just when I thought he was going to make up his mind, he goes and blurts out:

"And what about leather?", because according to him, leather is more resistant.

So I bring out several leather models: Tracker Forest, Magna Trail, Tracker II. And the questioning begins:

"Which is better, mesh or leather?" - he asks.

"With mesh, the foot breathes better and in May it's hot, so your feet will get hot and you can get blisters as a souvenir. Although the leather is more resistant and they tend to last longer". - I explain.

"And if it rains, what's better?" - he asks.

"For the rain the leather is better, but in May if it rains, it will be one day, won't it?" - I point out.

Imagine it, Friday evening, around eight o'clock, we've been there for an hour and a half, boxes everywhere, it's like a minefield. It was a mess.

And all of a sudden, the guy has a revelation, and he says to me: "What about a sandal?"

Look, something came over me, I didn't even know where to look. My face, a poem.

I didn't know whether to send him to the town square for a beer to refresh his ideas, or to leave him there and drink it myself.

So I said to him: "Miguel, didn't you want minimalist boots that breathe?"

Well, the ones you tried on at the beginning are the best. They don't weigh you down, you have room for your toes and they protect you, because at night in Galicia, it gets cold".

And that's our day to day life. A mixture between gratitude, for those moments when we can see the relief and satisfaction on the faces of our customers, and despair with those who, even seeing it, don't know what they want.

But that's the way it is. Every customer teaches us something new, and reinforces our mission to provide the footwear and advice that every step requires.

Because at the end of the day, what really counts is finding that solution that turns a simple pair of shoes into a vital part of someone's life. Your life.

And if after all, our friend Miguel and you want to be cooler than a lettuce, take a look at the new Zauris: Gaia, Ulises, Helena.

Know that with these sandals you almost do the Camino or when your feet ask for rest, they will be that fresh relief so that the next day they will be fully recovered.

Don't miss out, because until the 10th of May, you can get these wonders with a great discount.

So yes, health starts in your feet, and intelligence, in taking advantage of this opportunity.

Antonio Caballo.

Pd. Don't say I didn't tell you: on May 10th at 23:59 they go up in price.

Publicado el 04/27/2024 por @antonio.caballo Claw toes, crowded toes,..., Circulation and bone... 3350

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