The first time someone comes whose feet don't hurt

The first time someone comes whose feet don't hurt

A few days ago a couple arrived at the shop who were going on a trip to Brazil.

They had left their jobs or had lost them, I'm not sure.

The point is that they were going for a while to enjoy the beaches and nature.

To 'get out of the way', as they say.

The funny thing is that I had never worn minimalist shoes before.

Just look at that.

What a thing.

Out of work, preparing a trip and the first thing they think about is their feet before leaving.

It's certainly not easy to find people with such clarity.

The opposite is the norm.

If they don't go to the dentist until their teeth hurt, how can I expect them to wear minimalist or healthy shoes without their feet hurting.

That's why this couple surprised me.

No back pain, no knee pain, no deformed toes, they just wanted the best for their body.

Beaches, nature and minimalist shoes.

And what happens to many people is that as soon as they put them on they look weird because of the wide toe box.

Not even close.

They are very happy.

Some people look weird if it's wide and when they wear those "witchy" toe shoes they don't even complain.


What fashions are.

By the way.

The ones that were worn were a combination of very light shoes for everyday wear, or for sports, with a width at the front that allows the toes to spread out without any problem, and sandals.

Sandals that allow them to enjoy the beach as well as light hiking here, in Brazil or in Hong Kong.

For the former: Xero Shoes Prio Neo

For the latter: Luna Sandal Middle Bear

Health starts with your feet.

Antonio Caballo.

Publicado el 01/20/2024 por @antonio.caballo Knee pain, osteoarthritis,... 0 2402

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