When feeling is more than a word

When feeling is more than a word

When it is your feet that lead the way, feeling is not an option: it is the only option.

This sentence that seems like a self-help manual, may not say anything to you, you may see it as empty, with little argument, but soon you will see why I start the new year with it.

The thing is that a few days ago, Raquel, a blind girl, asked me for advice on which minimalist shoes to buy for these cold and rainy days.

And reading her email she reminded me of Ruud, an English boy who years ago told me about his experience with minimalist footwear.   

What he said then has a great value and that's why today I'm going to tell you again with his own words. They are these:

'Almost 20 years ago, when I started my mobility training, after a complete loss of sight, I was instructed to use all available sensory information, including my feet, however since acquiring my minimalist footwear this has taken on a whole new meaning.

One of the first times I went for a walk on my local roads, I stopped for a quick experiment:

How many small loose pebbles can I feel under my feet?

Suddenly, I was surprised to be able to feel the small stones under my feet so clearly.

On returning to London, the small overflowing tiles became a clear indicator.

Being able to feel these tiles so clearly means I can react quickly to them and walk more confidently on my daily routes.'

Yavestruz, what a thing.


A simple word that we use to express so many things.

And that in walking takes on a unique nuance.

Balance, confidence and security.

That's what your feet transmit when you let them act, when you don't enclose them in narrow, rigid footwear.

And for that reason alone, minimalist footwear makes sense.

So that people like Rachel and Ruud can feel their surroundings more fully.

And so that you can walk feeling where you walk, whether it's a hard asphalt or a soft sandy path.


What a beautiful word.

And with this we welcome 2024 and the new Feroz mini boots so that feeling is more than just a word.

Health begins with letting your feet feel

Antonio Caballo.

Pd. Ruud also said:

'Since wearing my new minimalist footwear my feet and legs have become stronger and more flexible. My toes have started to stretch and the plantar arches have become more pronounced.'

Publicado el 01/07/2024 por @antonio.caballo Claw toes, crowded toes,..., Flat feet 0 2320

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