The question I have been asked the most last week

The question I have been asked the most last week

There's a question I get asked a lot, it's a rare week that someone doesn't ask it, but last week it took the biscuit.

And not just clients, even a friend.

That's why today I'm going to tell you what I answer when I'm asked for advice on plantar fasciitis.

I say fachitis and not fasciitis, because this very common injury is becoming a real scourge.

This pain in the sole and heel of the foot can be suffered by those who have flat feet, which are "weak" feet, as well as by those who have bridged or stiff feet.

As I have been asked most often by people with stiff feet, I am going to focus on them and there are several things that contribute to this stiffness.

The most, by far, is your footwear.

If you put your feet in a narrow, stiff shoe with a bit of a heel, the lack of movement of your feet inside the shoe is going to hinder your circulation and increase the stiffness of your feet.

This alone, by giving your feet freedom, will make you feel better.

You don't have to take my word for it. If you have fasciitis and don't wear minimalist shoes, try barefoot at home (if the pain in your fascia lets you).

Another thing that affects you is your stress level.

Some people tend to 'squeeze' their feet without realising it when they are stressed.

At work, in a meeting or on the way home in the car or on the underground.

Just as there are people who clench their teeth, there are those who clench their feet and this increases their stiffness.

And finally, over the years I have noticed that when the cold weather arrives, people complain more about fasciitis, and it may be because the cold causes us to shrink or to gather in on ourselves and our feet with us.

This is my own assessment, but it's there in case it helps you.


3 things.

Shoes, stress and cold.

And the best solution for this are minimalist boots.

Roomy, flexible, extremely comfortable and warm.

Everything your fascia needs.

Like the waterproof Lems Outlander, which can be used for walking in the mountains and natural environments, as well as a bit in the city if you need to.

And if you don't have faschitis and want to do everything you can to avoid it, take a look at the new collection of Groundies boots for women and men.

Finally, one last note.

Don't stop walking, moving or whatever you want me to do. Fasciitis doesn't go away with rest. Keep walking, even if it hurts a little, but always wear minimalist shoes.

That's it.

Health starts with your feet.

Antonio Caballo.

Ps1. If you have been suffering from fasciitis for a long time and you have a deviated big toe, read this.

Ps2. As an aid to the fascia you can do foot mobility exercises and the 'shot-foot'.

Gluteal strengthening exercises such as squats with some weight or climbing stairs while keeping your trunk straight, i.e. not leaning forward, are also good.

Ps3. If you are an athlete you should check the condition of your calf and soleus muscles.

Publicado el 12/10/2023 por @antonio.caballo Claw toes, crowded toes,..., Plantar fasciitis 0 3349

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