The secrets of a 90-year-old man to NOT age

The secrets of a 90-year-old man to NOT age

If you're worried about getting older, I've got good news. You can slow down the rate at which you age and your feet can help you.

But first I am going to tell you an example of how to age well, with vitality, giving life to the years and not years to life.

Everyone knows him as Pepe or José the Gypsy, although I call him Pepe.

I have been wanting to tell you about him for days, to tell you some of his thousand and one battles, and this week is the perfect time, because I have not seen anyone age better.

Pepe is 92 years old, but if you see him you wouldn't think he's more than 70.

His energetic, upright gait, with his eyes straight ahead, is accompanied by a prodigious mental clarity.

I have known Pepe all my life. He lives next door to my parents' house, in the Plaza Ducal de Marchena and when I was a child I used to see him pass by the door singing some coplilla. He always wore the same clothes.

Dark trousers, white shirt with rolled-up cuffs and old-fashioned black canvas trainers. It has to be freezing cold to see Pepe in a rebequilla.

Pepe drinks coffee in the same bar where Ángel and I drink it every morning.

'Hi Pepe!'

'Hi padre,' - Pepe replies effusively and with a half-smile.

'It rained a bit this morning', - I say to him to make conversation.

'Naaa, the piss of a cat,' - Pepe blurts out and starts to tell us some of his things".

Pepe has been a blacksmith all his life, one of those who forge with coal and hammer. And despite his age, he continues to hammer iron to obtain unique, curved shapes.

And maybe because of that, because he spends 3 or 4 hours hammering iron in front of a forge, being hot in summer and cold in winter, or because he walks to his forge, 25 minutes each way,... his vitality reflects that of a man 20, 30 or 40 years younger, depending on who you compare him with.

And this is what I want to tell you.

To slow down ageing and the loss of muscle and bone, it's key to stay active and exercise.

But if what you do doesn't stimulate you enough, you may be wasting your time.

Take, for example, all those people who go for daily walks.

Most of them are wearing cushioned, soft, too-thick-to-feel-the-floor, esqueche-type trainers.

However, the foot needs to feel where you step, to feel the impact to stimulate bone formation, to prevent bone loss.

You may not have thought about it, but walking in soft or cushioned shoes is not enough.

It's like going to the gym and lifting 1kg weights. Even if you exercise every day, that weight is not enough to make you better, to slow down ageing.


It's all clear.

Walk, hammer and do it every day.

But wear shoes you can feel.

The Merrell Vapor Glove leather shoes are a marvel for that.

For women here, and for men here.


So you can turn 90 or more with the same vitality as our friend Pepe.

Health starts with your feet

Antonio Caballo.

Pd. If you have any discomfort in your feet I recommend you to start with something thicker, but not cushioned, but compact like the Lems Primal Zen.

Publicado el 11/26/2023 por @antonio.caballo Claw toes, crowded toes,..., Plantar fasciitis 0 3498

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