The only solution for fasciitis

The only solution for fasciitis

Perhaps you find the title presumptuous, especially when it comes to something so common, so annoying and so desperate.

But it is that, after all these years, where the words feet and footwear are the ones I pronounce the most on a daily basis.

After the arrival of AI, the Nike Air, Adidas Boost, Asics Gel.... and the fact that Elon Musk wants to reach Tuesday.

And above all, after we have lived barefoot for millions of years, now, in our advanced world, something as "insignificant" as a piece of fascia gives us so many headaches.

That's why this week, like many other weeks, a regular customer asked me for a solution to his fasciitis.

Alvaro, that's the customer's name, has been using minimalist running shoes for 10 years.

He did well, he even ran several successful 20 km races, but something happened in his life and he had to stay in hospital for a long time.

When he resumed his activity he decided to walk 10,000 steps a day and that's when the fasciitis appeared, even though he was wearing Merrell Trail Glove shoes.

The solution I'm going to tell you about is the only one I know that works. There may be others, but I don't know them.

If you know a different one I'd be grateful if you could share it, there are too many people suffering from fasciitis.

I've broken it down into 4 steps:

First thing is to align your toes, especially the big toe, which is the most important to the foot.

If you have it turned towards the rest of the toes, even if it's just a little, even if you don't have bunions, the circulatory supply to your foot will not go 100% and this affects your fascia.

Don't think that it affects little, on the contrary, it affects a lot and that's why I put it in the first place.

Therefore, the first thing is to align your toes and make sure they all rest on the ground.

The second thing is not to put your feet in shoes that squeeze your toes or take away your linearity.

It's no good putting your toes straight if you're going to put them in shoes that are narrow, that end in a point or that lift your toes.

The linearity gained will be lost instantly.

Thirdly, do mobility and strength exercises for your feet.

Although they may seem basic, they are very important exercises that take very little time to do. With 10 minutes you can create a good routine. At the end I leave you a video of my own.  

Although there are many exercises, one that helps a lot because it works the inner musculature of the foot is the 'short foot', which also appears in the video sequence.

Without a doubt, this section is the most difficult, but it is one of the most important.

You just have to find the time and repeat the habit several times a week.

Fourth, adapt the activity you are doing to the real capacity of your feet.

If you are like me, overestimating my physical capacity, you will do more than your feet can handle.

Especially if you do something repetitive like running on the same track or terrain.

So don't overdo it and stay below what you feel you can do.

For example, Alvaro set out to do 10,000 steps a day, but he should have started with a quarter, 2,500 or even less, depending on your starting point, because pace is also a factor.

It is not the same to accumulate 10,000 steps over the course of a day as it is to walk that number of steps.

If you go out exclusively for walking, your pace will probably be higher.

You have to add the intensity to the quantity. These are two factors that you have to take into account.

Well, this is what I know works. If your fasciitis doesn't go away, you can use this recipe or continue with ice, anti-inflammatories and rest.

And about footwear for these cases I will recommend you several.

As closed shoes, if I had fasciitis it would be this one:

Lems Primal 2 or any other Lems shoe.

For sandals with the lace between the toes:

Zauri Centur, Enix 105 or Pies Sucios Terra Zip.

And with a different fit:

Zauri Pandora and Xero Z-Trail EV for women (here) and for men (here).

Health starts with your feet.

Antonio Caballo

Pd. The video with the exercises.

Publicado el 07/09/2023 por @antonio.caballo Circulation and bone..., Plantar fasciitis 1 9029

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  • Francisco Javier Alarcón Pérez

    Francisco Javier 07/16/2023


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