Scientific studies say that change to barefoot shoes is the Best

Scientific studies say that change to barefoot shoes is the Best

Scientific studies are very relative, but there is something important that makes them more valuable: the size of the sample.

If we want to know the amount of vitamin C in potatoes, an experiment carried out with one potato (n= 1) is not the same as with a thousand potatoes (n= 1000).

The same applies if the sample is human beings instead of potatoes.

But what happens when thousands of people independently test something new?

The experiments are considered as one-person experiments, i.e. n= 1, because each person did it in his or her own way.

n= 1 thousand times, which is not the same as n= 1000.

This is what happened with minimalism.

More than a decade ago, thousands of people tried it independently. Each in their own way, with what they had read here and there.

And the result, for the most part, was positive.

We could say 95%.

And this in a scientific experiment is considered a success.

And if we talk about people, a SUCCESS in capital letters.

Like the experience of this user of the forum correrdescalzos.com that I leave you below.

With this forum it all started in Spain.

He says:
"It all started one sleepless day when I bought a pair of trail running shoes with no drop and no cushioning.

Just to try them out, out of curiosity.

I haven't gone out with anything else since then.

At the same time I was reading about barefoot running and I understood everything I was experiencing with this shoe.

After 3 months of running in the mountains, I think my feet are catching up with the rest of my body.

They are the ones that set the limit, although less and less every day.

I feel lighter, faster, I run more relaxed and I feel that I end up less exhausted.

I can only speak highly of this way of running.

Simply spectacular.

I have 3 pairs of cushioned running shoes that I am unable to put on.

When I try, it's as if I were wearing clogs.

I don't feel anything and they compress my foot, and I've been running for 10 years with this kind of shoes".

To which another forumer (another n= 1) replies:

"It's nice to read you because that same illusion that you transmit is what we all had when we were starting out.

As you may have read, you have to be very cautious and patient during the transition.

Mine was nowhere near what you are doing; I did much less kilometres and basically on asphalt.

After 5 years I personally feel that my feet are still learning. I wish you all the best and above all that you continue to enjoy yourself".

There are thousands of comments on this line, maybe millions, if we consider the whole internet world.

And there are also negative ones, they are the remaining 5% who tried minimalism and it didn't work for them.

But the conclusion is not that minimalist running shoes don't work, but that those 5% didn't do well.

Why didn't they do well?

I don't know, there are many variables that influence.

But what I do know is that if the majority experience what these forum members say, it's because minimalism is something very authentic, very much our own.

And to look for that part of truth that we all carry in us, it's because it's something very authentic, very much ours.

Be the n= 1.

You can do it.

All you need is your bare feet,

or a pair of minimalist shoes.

Like these Groundies, which are as close as you can get, to feel that unique sensation.

You can use them for walking, running or activity on smooth surfaces. In your city, in the park, in your gym ...

Health starts with letting your feet function as feet.

Antonio Caballo.

Publicado el 05/06/2023 por @antonio.caballo Running Technique, Scientific studies 2 5832

2 Comentarios

  • Sergi Samsó Valls

    Sergi Samsó 05/10/2023

    Hola Antonio.
    Me ha hecho gracia ver publicadas mis impresiones al incio de la transición. Ahora que ya llevo casi dos años sigo encantado y disfrutando de mis nuevos pies. Y sigo tus reflexiones a traves de tu pagina. Estas haciendo un gran trabajo pero he podido comprobar que es muy dificil hacer reflexionar sobre algunas cuestiones, lo de la protección (sobreprotección) a los pies parece que lo hayan escrito en el ADN :).
    • Antonio Caballo

      Antonio Caballo 05/12/2023

      Buenas Sergi,
      no pensé que pudieras leer este post, pero tu comentario viene como anillo al dedo.

      Toda la razón sobre la sobreprotección, es la creencia que más cuesta de derribar.

      Me alegro que hayas escrito!
      Hasta luego!

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