The solution they will give you if you have Hammer Toes

The solution they will give you if you have Hammer Toes

The video at the end may affect you. Don't watch it if you are easily impressed.

It's about what they do to your toe if you have a hammer toe and go under the knife.

I am telling you this because of Conchi, a woman over 70 years old, who, when she gets home, is eager to put on her slippers because it is the most comfortable thing she has.

The thing is that down the street from the ZaMi shop there is a podiatrist.

People go there to get their corns removed, among other things, and they walk past the shop.

Like Conchi.

She went to have some calluses removed from the sole of her foot and when she passed by the door she noticed the signs.

Wide shoes.

Foot-shaped shoes.

Footwear without buttresses.

Flexible footwear.


When she comes in, she asks Angel for seamless socks. And she tells him what is wrong with them.

She gets hardness on the sole, in the area before the toes.

She is just now coming to take them off. She says it's torture because she can't take a step when she gets them.

She blames it on her age and her socks, she says that the seam digs into her and causes her pain.


When Angel looks at her shoes, he sees what he always sees.

A pair of narrow shoes with a bit of a heel.

Angel explains that the corns are caused by the shoes. If the toes had room, there would be no chafing.

The woman remains thoughtful.

She takes off her shoes and shows her feet.

And Angel sees the same as always.

Squeezed feet.

Toes so close together, it's as if they had a stump instead of toes.

And in Conchi's case, a hammer toe.

Angel goes on explaining and Conchi convinces herself.   

I didn't know that there were shoes that were like gloves, she refers to the Five Fingers, and I didn't know that there were shoes that adapted to her feet and not the other way round.

Angel brings her a pair of espadrilles, but she wants something more grippy, that she can wear around the house and to visit her daughter who lives two streets away.

An all-in-one.

Xero Aptos.

Conchi took them in black as they are more discreet.

Angel also told her about the toe concealers, especially for her claw toe.

 - I'm going to try the shoes and if that happens I'll go next month.

It happens. Change generates doubts, especially if you've been doing the same thing for 70 years.

Don't forget that.

Without movement there is no life.

No feet, no movement.

Health starts with your feet.

Antonio Caballo.

Pd. If you are looking for toe correctors that never disappoint, look here.

For socks that don't squeeze here and with toes here.

The Xero Aptos for men here.

The video animation of how to straighten a hammertoe (no blood) below.

Publicado el 03/31/2023 por @antonio.caballo Bunions, Claw toes, crowded toes,... 0 6155

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