A crime has been committed here

A crime has been committed here

I'm going to show you a photo that might ring a bell.

When I showed it to my youngest son he asked me if it was a kite.

"No, it's a crime scene" - I replied half jokingly.

The one they paint with chalk on the ground around a corpse. A crime like the one your brother does when he wears his Nike Jordans when he goes out on Fridays.

And 'in a blacksmith's house, a wooden spoon', goes the saying.

As I am a father and a blacksmith twice over, I take every opportunity to show them the importance of having beautiful, well-shaped feet.

In my favour, I can tell you that my eldest started using Nike shoes (atrophic feet) at the age of 12, when his feet were already formed. Before that, he only used pure minimalist shoes.

Back to the photo, this is it:


It corresponds to the silhouette of a customer's foot.

Don't think that this silhouette, which looks like an ice-cream cone, I don't see it very often.

And don't think it belongs to a woman.

Because nowadays, the shoe they sell in any shoe shop deforms the foot equally. Regardless of whether you are a man or a woman.

And no matter how much you think that your case is different because you inherited your bunion from your mother, the reality is that what you inherited was wearing the same type of shoes.

Because a healthy foot only deforms if you torture it.

And there is no greater torture than feeling the pain caused by a narrow, stiff shoe with a heel.

If not, remember the last wedding you went to.










And if you prolong it over time, death.

That of your foot, when it stops working and you can barely walk.

And if you think I'm exaggerating, look around you, how many old people can't walk normally?

Well, you do what you want.

You know the result of the equation:

foot + shoe + narrow + stiff + stiff + heel = dead foot.


And you know the solution too.

Change your footwear and wear one that respects the anatomy of your feet, like:

And if you have bunions, claw toes, hammer toes or hammer toes, you have to use a corrector to correct them.

I'm often asked about other correctors, but I can only vouch for Correct Toes, and they're the only ones you can use while walking.

Health starts with your feet.

Antonio Caballo.

Publicado el 02/04/2023 por @antonio.caballo Morton neuroma, Bunions, Claw toes, crowded toes,..., Circulation and bone... 0 4053

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