What is the drop of the shoe and how does it influence

What is the drop of the shoe and how does it influence

The drop is the technical word used in the world of shoes to refer to what is commonly known as the heel of shoes. The drop is defined as the difference in height of the sole between the front of the shoe and the back.

zapatillas con drop nulo o 0 mm

The human foot is flat, ie without drop or with drop 0 mm., And as such has evolved over millions of years. If we drop to a shoe we are altering the balance of the body, moving forward the center of gravity.This displacement causes a misalignment of the hips and modifies the curves of the spine.There is also a shortening of the calf muscles (twins and solos) and a loss of flexibility of the Achilles tendon.

All of this can cause a series of problems that are exacerbated by the increase in the drop.The altered posture when walking causes excessive pressure inside the knee and in the front of the foot and can produce osteoarthritis. If in addition to the raised drop the shoe has a narrow form in the front (also the opposite of the anatomy of the foot, wider in front) frequently the footwear can cause bunions and neuroma of Morton. Hence the minimalist slippers do not have drop or this is very low (0 to 4 mm.), And the last of the shoes in the front is wide. Within the classification of barefoot footwear we can find:

Superior to drop 4 are no longer considered minimalist shoes regardless of the rest of the characteristics of the shoe. In conventional running shoes we find drop up to 14 mm in height.

zapatillas con drop alto, drop 10 mm

Remember that any change must be made progressively. From ZaMi we advise you to read the Guide to Learn the natural Technique and to advance little by little, letting the structures of the body adapt.

Publicado el 10/25/2017 por @zami_es Running Technique, Shoes Review 15199

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