Luisa sends me an audio

Luisa sends me an audio

Today I could start the year talking about Pedroche, her New Year's Eve outfit or her performance on El Hormiguero where she talked about Correct toes and their benefits.

But instead I will tell you about Luisa. A woman who has been able to turn her situation around.

And where she only saw darkness, she put a ray of light, of hope, the same that we have every time a new year begins.

She will speak to you directly, her way of transmitting it touched me and I want to share it with you.

Publicado el 12/31/2022 por @antonio.caballo Morton neuroma, Bunions, Claw toes, crowded toes,... 1 3710

1 Comentario

  • Miguel Ángel Pascual Montaner

    Miguel Ángel 01/02/2023

    ¡Y todavía hay gente que duda de los beneficios de andar con los pies lo más libres posibles! ¡Bravo Luisa!

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