The pain that leaves you stiff and suffers 80% of people

The pain that leaves you stiff and suffers 80% of people

Back pain is something you will almost certainly suffer from at some point in your life.

Lower back pain.

Statistics say that 80% of the population will suffer from it. I suffered it.

Moreover, it is the second most common chronic health problem, only behind high blood pressure.

And why? What is the cause?

We start from the assumption that injuries and pain are usually multifactorial.

In other words, there must be several causes for them to occur.

And in this case, there are two reasons that have a strong influence on low back pain.

The first is sitting and holding the same position for a long time.

Solution: get up every 20-30 minutes or change the way you sit every X amount of time: legs up, one leg crossed and the other extended, normal position...

The other cause is what Miguel says.

"I'm 65 years old and I've always liked flat shoes. I felt good in them.

But it wasn't easy to find them, as the fashion used to be the opposite, high heels.

When I was 50, I had several times (about once a year) a blockage in my lower back. It was probably lumbago.

I did gymnastics for my back. This was good, but it did not prevent new blockages and pains.

I tried hard and researched to understand what was wrong. Finally I realised that my problem was my footwear.

It was essential that I wore flat shoes (no heels at all) and that they were wide enough to keep my feet flat.

Then I discovered minimalist shoes and I haven't had a blockage in my back since. :-) !!

By the way, my 35 year old son, who runs, also wears minimalist shoes".

Lower back pain.

Lower back blockage.




Freedom of movement.

Beer with friends.

Playing on the floor with your children.


Xero Hana Hemp

You decide.

Health starts with your feet.

Antonio Caballo.

Pd. My son has a medical examination every year by the football federation and several times the doctor who examined him remarked how straight his back was.
"The only one who has a straight back", he once told me.

Since he was born he has worn minimalist shoes every day.

Publicado el 11/27/2022 por @antonio.caballo Heel and back pain, Children's feet and... 0 4048

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