How to avoid having your big toe cut off like an African slave

How to avoid having your big toe cut off like an African slave

This week a customer told us what they used to do to African slaves.

At first glance it may seem like torture, but it was really much more than that.

In the past, African slaves who escaped had their big toe cut off so that they couldn't run, as they were very difficult to catch with it.

Nowadays something similar happens.

Nobody gets cut off, but most of them have such a deformed thumb that it's as if they don't have one at all.

It doesn't do its job.


A nurse over 50yo comes in who is having a terrible time with her feet.

They hurt, she has bunions and this makes her very difficult to walk.

She says she doesn't eat much, but every year she puts on a little more weight and as she doesn't move much she has put on a few kilos and there's no way of getting rid of them.

She has used insoles and was offered bunion surgery, but she works in an operating theater, has seen hundreds of operations and knows that the result can be worse than the remedy.

She said that most of them cut off the bunion and fix the big toe with a nail.

This makes the foot look more beautiful, it is more aesthetic, but the toe loses all its strength and the ability to move like a normal person.

'They used to cut off the slaves' thumbs, today they nail it on.
Same result, different path.'

The worst thing, she says, is when they finish the operation and go back to wearing narrow shoes.

It doesn't make any sense to go back to wearing the same shoes that have caused you so much pain and damage.

The same ones that prevent you from having a normal life, from being able to walk, run, jump and even dance without discomfort.

She keep talking.

She can't explain why nurses wear clogs, for her they are very uncomfortable and don't allow the foot to behave naturally.

And that before coming to the shop she tried to buy some Xero Shoes in the United States, but they stopped her at customs, asked her for money and sent the parcel back.

While she is telling this story, Angel brings out some Lems shoes for her to try on.

We had never seen this woman's reaction before.

She closed her eyes and was silent.

As seeking a moment of peace.

Her husband watched her attentively, without speaking, waiting for her reaction.

She seemed to be enjoying the width of the shoe toe room.

She seemed to be imagining what she could do with her new shoes.

And suddenly she started to cry.

Loose tears, which she wipes from her cheek as soon as they leave her eyes.

But tears that mean a lot.

Angel doesn't ask her why, but he can see the emotion of the moment on her face.

The ones responsible for this are the incomparable Lems Primal 2.

A pair of shoes that you fall in love with from the very first moment.

Because love can start with the feet.

- Antonio Caballo

Pd. Ana wore the in the Lems Primal 2.

Publicado el 10/08/2022 por @antonio.caballo Bunions, Claw toes, crowded toes,..., Footwear for wide feet or... 0 9308

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