Death doesn't like you to be able to keep your balance

Death doesn't like you to be able to keep your balance

Today's is a simple test to help you predict your life expectancy.

And it's so powerful, you don't have to keep in mind your age, gender, body mass index or whether you have heart disease, hypertension or diabetes.

It only takes one thing into account:

Your balance on one leg.

The test has to be done barefoot and consists of balancing on one leg for 10 seconds.

You have three attempts, and you can use any foot you want.

Look at the picture.



Take your shoes off.

Choose one foot.

The other behind the supported leg.

Your hands on your hips.

Gaze straight ahead.

Hold for 10 seconds in balance.

Did you do it?


If not, bad luck.

Because if you are between 51 and 75 years old, you have an 84% higher risk of death than those who could.

And if you put on your usual shoes and give it a try?

Better or worse?

You've probably noticed the difference.

Take a look.

Balance is part of our lives. We effort for it from an early age.

It is our first achievement, when we move from crawling to stability on two legs.

And losing it leads to falls that can have serious consequences.

So if you suffer from sprains or strains that take away your balance, the best thing to do is to give your feet a wide surface that is close to the ground.

The more room your toes have and the thinner the sole of your shoes, the more balance.

The more balance, the less likely you are to fall and die, according to the study.


There are two ways you can improve your balance without doing anything.

1. Take off your shoes or change your footwear.

2. Walk barefoot or wear minimalist shoes every day.

The more you wear it, the more balance you get.

Your feet are good for more than just enclosing them in a nice shoe.

And if you lock them in, keep the following in mind:

  • A foot is flat and doesn't have a heel, so your shoes shouldn't have a heel either.
  • A foot is flexible so that you can adapt to the terrain, so your footwear should also be flexible.
  • A foot is wide at the toes, so your footwear must have enough space in this area.
  • A foot is light, so your footwear must also be light.

And the Vivobarefoot Primus Asana has all this.

They are shoes that look like a foot, because your balance starts with them.

Health starts in your feet.

- Antonio Caballo

Pd1. Reference of the study here.

Pd2. Bunions, claw toes and crowded toes also take away your balance, with the toe corrector you can start to correct them.

Publicado el 09/11/2022 por @antonio.caballo Scientific studies, Bunions, Claw toes, crowded toes,..., Sprained feet, ankle sprains 0 3933

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