You can't have healthy feet if there are ONLY McDonalds.

You can't have healthy feet if there are ONLY McDonalds.

It's like if you want to eat healthy and you only have MacDonalds around you'.

What Cristina says is a reality that is difficult to see.

They say that, to see it, you have to be open-minded or have a capacity for logic.

And sometimes even that is not enough because the energy for your day to day life is limited, and with the daily chores you have already used it up.

So you spend your days accepting everything you see as the only true thing. And the more you see it, the more true it seems.

A lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth'.

And something like that happened to Cristina.

She says:

'I have a 3-year-old son who, like me, loves to be barefoot. At home we are always barefoot, and also when we play in a sand park.

Since he was little he never had shoes until he started walking because I realised that it was not good for his development.

Then we have been buying him shoes that seemed to be good for his development. He would try them on, run around the shop and he would say which ones were "faster".

But a few days ago I noticed that his little toes were a bit red.

And then the alarm went off in my head and I realised that they were normal shoes, they weren't narrow but they weren't wide either.

And it made me angry, because I have a pair of Merrell minimalist shoes which are the best I wear and they don't hurt me at all.

I've thought about it, reading the stories you send me, and I've realised that the other thing is the easiest, that the difficult thing is to buy minimalist shoes because you don't find them on the street.

It's like if you want to eat healthy and you only have MacDonalds around you.

I think that at least we are on time. Me to decide fully for minimalist footwear and him for instilling in him to have healthy feet for the rest of his life'.

To sum up.

Even though her son was barefoot at home and in the park, conventional shoes were hurting her son.

The shoes sold in shoe shops are NOT wide; they squeeze your toes and your children's toes.

Neither Nike, nor Adidas, nor Biomecanics, nor Chicco, nor Gorilla,....

'If you want to eat healthy don't go to a place where there are only MacDonalds.'

Here: anti-MacDonalds shoes for school.

Health starts with your feet.

-Antonio Caballo.

Publicado el 08/26/2022 por @antonio.caballo Footwear for wide feet or..., Children's feet and... 0 3942

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