The issue of men's shoes for the summer is the subject of a doctoral thesis.
Men I see, men I look at their feet and there are two cases:
Either they wear closed shoes, with what that entails if you walk with 30 degrees,
or they are open, but ugly, ugly.
Closed shoes are the usual shoes.
The variety is immense, because those who wear them don't distinguish the 40 degrees of summer from the few degrees of winter.
What I see most are trainers.
I've also seen fabric and esparto slippers, and even leather moccasins.
And all of them, all of them, narrow and with more or less thick soles.
I imagine how those tight toes must feel inside the shoe. They'll be like canned sardines.
With what is falling this summer all over Spain.
When they take off their shoes, it will be like opening a bottle of Coca-Cola that has been shaken: the toes will bubble with joy.
The other option, the open one, is the typical flip-flops where the heel is in the air and the toes don't know whether to fan out or grab the flip-flops so that it doesn't escape.
This happens to them at every step, and don't even think of speeding up your pace, because it will be impossible without feeling your toes digging into the flip-flops.
This option is not ugly as it is, but it has consequences for your toes.
Another open option is the men's sandal (fits at the heel as opposed to the flip-flop) and this is where 'ugly, you're so ugly' makes sense (this was said to me by a woman last summer).
And that's because it's hard to see a wearable version.
They all have an old, outdated aesthetic.
And to top it off, many of them squeeze your toes.
Give them a try. You will see many examples.
And I tell you all this because in summer a lot of people wear my minimalist sandals because of how good they look.
They have no idea of the benefits for their feet, but they like them because they look nice.
And even though I throw myself into battery to explain to them why their feet look 20 years older and how they can regain their fullness, they don't care at all.
They only keep them for the aesthetics.
Perhaps they think what, in my youth, my friend Antonio used to tell me in a joking way:
'Let the ugly die, I'm vaccinated'.
Well, that's it, to have your feet vaccinated in summer:
Health starts with your feet.
- Antonio Caballo
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