I'll tell you something that happened recently with a client that left me quite confused.It's about transition barefoot shoes and although it may sound a bit technical, I never thought that the concept of transition could be confused with the shape of the last of the shoe.Leer más
When he showed me the photos of the shoes, I almost fell off my chair.The wear on the sole was so brutal that it looked like she had rubbed them with sandpaper.Leer más
Do you think that by getting older your body ages?I thought so too, but after seeing Lenny Kravitz I'm starting to doubt it.Leer más
Well, today I tell you about a situation in the shop that got tense and left a bad taste in my mouth. It's the story of Manuel, an older, retired man from the village, and his wife.Leer más
Last Sunday I had a family communion and I met up with cousins I hadn't seen for years, and in between bites of those croquettes they only know how to make at communions, the subject of minimalist shoes came up.Leer más
Let me tell you a story of resistance, almost like that of a gladiator in the arena, but on this occasion, the battlefield was the shoe shop and the gladiator, a father desperate for his son's wellbeing.Leer más
The other day a chef came in for some shoes.Leer más
This post has a surprise in store that I'm sure you'll like.Leer más
Last year around this time I wrote you a post with the title:What would I have liked to know when I started wearing minimalist shoes?Leer más
There is a phrase that is said a lot when you want to justify that something you wear hurts you.Leer más
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