Sonia reads, thinks and acts

Sonia reads, thinks and acts

Sonia's is something about logic, common sense or because she liked feeling more.

She simply read, applied and was consistent. The key to everything.

It was like this.

Sonia, why do you run with minimalist shoes? - I ask her as soon as I arrive.

I don't know, I read about it and it just clicked.

But have you been injured or something? Because most of them come because of some pain or injury - I keep asking.

No, I haven't. Besides, in my club I'm the only minimalist, and they tell me: 'girl, you're going to get injured with those shoes'.

But then they see me running and they shut up. In my last 10k I made the podium and everything.

Your case surprises me, it's not easy to go against the group. Sometimes it's even cruel, depending on the group you're in. You know, if you do the opposite of the others, they criticise you, they can even isolate you - I tell him.

No way! - She says laughing, "I don't care!

Sonia arrived one rainy afternoon in March, one of the few this year, from Huelva and is about 40. She is slim, dark and of average height, but the surprising thing about her is that she always speaks with a smile. When I say always, I mean always. When she speaks, you don't know if she's talking or laughing.

She goes on.

I've been reading about minimalism and natural running for a long time, but I couldn't make up my mind about the transition. As I participate in races, I didn't want to stop to adapt my feet and improve my running technique. By the way, the ZaMi guide is the best, I'm here for the guide.

I don't talk, I just nod my head.

And you know what happened? I had to stop during the pandemic and when I came back I said to myself, now I'm starting from the beginning, and in a few months I finished my first half marathon with minimalist shoes. And I injured a finger, the middle one.

I ran with the Merrell Vapor Glove, which are marvellous, but when I go on trails I feel all the stones.

Well, come on, it's late and I have to go to Huelva. One day I'll come and chat. - She says in a hurry.

Get me some of those sandals - She says, pointing to the Zauri Centur.

When he tries them on, I can see that her big toes are bent inwards.

Have you seen the inclination of your thumbs? - I say pointing to her feet.

It's because of the working shoes - She quickly blurts out.

Do you know that even a slight tilt makes the circulation of the foot worse? When they say that the big toe is the engine of the foot, it's because it activates the muscles that balance you and its movement helps with venous return.

I didn't know that - She says.

It would be good if you could correct them.
Look, you have to do these exercises - I say, taking off my shoes.

You can also use a toe corrector for walking, even running.

OK, I've got homework for a while.

I'll write it down, if I see that I don't improve, I'll call you.


Two things.

One. Sonia was right to run natural or minimalist.

For common sense,

for feeling more in her stride,

To feel more control over her body.

For feeling more stable,

For being more her and less shoes.

Two. When she changed she had to adapt her musculature and even so she had a small injury in a finger.

Something normal.

It's like if you take the bike with flat tyres, you'll break it.

She was running with weak, deflated feet.

And she had to inflate them with strength, reaction capacity, flexibility...

The best way to do it is little by little.

Integrated into your everyday life.

Invisible training, they call it.

Barefoot at home for as long as you can.

And with minimalist shoes for everything else: walking the dog, going shopping, working ....

It's the best invisible training for your feet, day to day.

Some of the best options are worn by Sonia.

Health starts with your feet.

- Antonio Caballo

Publicado el 06/16/2022 por @antonio.caballo Bunions 0 3042

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