Why did my foot grow when I returned from Colombia?

Why did my foot grow when I returned from Colombia?

If you have a lot of foot bridge your shoe size may change.

This is a very common thing that happens when you stop wearing narrow and stiff shoes. If the foot is no longer confined and limited, the bridge flattens and the foot grows in size.

A similar thing happened to a client, my fellow Angel told me.

Alejandro arrives in a suit and pointed shape shoes. Although he has several pairs of minimalist shoes, he still wears this old shoes for suits.

He doesn't come to buy, just to exchange his VB Tracker boots for a size up.

He has just arrived from Colombia and hasn't worn them until now. Two weeks ago, when he was in the shop they were fine, but when he came back from his trip he felt they were too small.

'Strange, I tried them on here several times... I was sure they were size 45'.

He says he was in an incredible natural park that had everything: coffee fields, jungles with monkeys passing freely from one tree to another over his head, crystal clear beaches.... A true paradise.

The photos he shows on his mobile phone reflect what he was saying.

'I took several shoes with me, but I wore my Zauris sandals the whole time.

In fact, my girlfriend and I did a route, and the park ranger told us that it was not advisable to do it with sandals. But I did it anyway.

You don't know how good I felt, there were some difficult stretches, but I was comfortable with them all the time. And if I noticed any stones, for me it was like a massage, it was great.

I only took them off at night when it was a bit colder. Then I would put on a covered shoe.'

Angel says:

'That's why your foot has grown.

Being with your foot uncovered, free, in a relaxed place with a pleasant temperature, the foot also relaxes, expands and recovers its true shape; and of course, when you came back the boots didn't fit'.

Alejandro tells that about all the changes in his life, switching to minimalist footwear has influenced him the most.

Perhaps because Alejandro is a salesman and in addition to driving, he spends many hours a day walking or standing.

'I was a flatmate of Pedro from Paleobul.

I used to laugh at him when I saw him wearing those Merrell thin-soled Vapor Gloves, and now look at him. If I had known about it before... I could have saved myself the weekly physio sessions. I had to go once a week.  I always went to bed with back and neck pain.

Now I don't go anymore. My posture has totally changed, I can feel it'.

While Angel manages the change, he takes off his boots and puts on his pointy-toed suit shoes again.

As soon as he gets up his face twitches in discomfort and his eyes wander to the display looking for something.

'Do you have these in my size and in black?'

He points to the Nine2Five.

He tries them on, looks in the mirror with the suit on and says, 'Now yes; perfect, charge me them I am wearing them.'

They say goodbye at the door, Alejandro happy with his new workmates for his 'made in Colombia' feet, and Angel with the image of the Colombian jungle as a future travel destination.

Health, and travel, starts with your feet.

Publicado el 04/08/2022 por @antonio.caballo 1 5158

1 Comentario

  • Aitor Vidal Urrestarazu

    Aitor Vidal 04/10/2022

    A mi me a pasado algo parecido, al emezar con el minimalismo 45/46, ahora todo el calzado 47

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