What is a huarache and what is it used for?

What is a huarache and what is it used for?

What does huarache mean?

As we read in Born to Run is a type of sandal with the sole made with car covers and is attached to the foot with leather strips, with which the Tarahumara Indians run hundreds of kilometers along the rugged Sierra del Bronce. The wikipedia says practically the same thing: The huarache is a type of sandal common in the Mexican natives and of other Hispanic American countries made with strips of leather; Although huarache also refers to a typical Mexican dish, whose shape simulates the sandals that the Indians use as footwear. It is made with corn dough and is often stuffed with beans.

What is a huarache?

For minimalists it is more than a sole attached to the foot, it is the maximum exponent of minimalism, even more than the disqualification, and the minimalist footwear that attracts more attention. If we run barefoot, many people think that it is a kind of penance or sacrifice, but when we see ourselves running with huaraches, the questions and thoughts go in another direction. It creates expectation, if not admiration, and most important, doubt or skepticism. If we have awakened the bug to our viewer and is curious enough to investigate and ask what the huaraches really are, you will realize that what hides is the movement, freedom and return to our origins, to awaken lost sensations and stiff muscles .

How are huaraches made?

The Tarahumaras manufacture handmade huaraches with recycled materials. They use deteriorated car covers and leather, undoubtedly, are cheap huaraches, but the performance of this sandal is far from what we can find if we want to buy a huarache online. The changes in materials have originated the evolution of the huarache towards what we now know as a minimalist sandal. With the same principles, but with better performance in weight, comfort, fit and with different types of floor according to the use or land for which we are going to use it. We can find huaraches of man and huaraches of woman, with the only difference in the sizes. There are no structural differences between the two huaraches, except for the length of the sandal that we must choose depending on the length of our feet. To find the right size click here. If you are a handyman you may be interested in making the huarache. In the forum of corredescalzos.es there are several tutorials on how to make huaraches. Although today we can find huaraches for € 30.

What are huaraches used for?

The huaraches can be used as usual footwear for walking, going to work and to maintain an active life. It is also used for running, from flat and compact terrain such as asphalt, road and city, to as steep and steep as the mountain. At first, you may need an adaptation period, but after a while you can practically run on any terrain and any distance. In the following links you can read chroniclers of runners who used the huaraches to run:

Un legionario en huaraches en Ultratrail 101 kms de Ronda

Correr 120 maratones en huaraches

Where to buy huarache online?

There are different prices of huaraches depending on the brand, finishes, materials, etc. Below we show a classification of what you can find in ZaMi. We have divided it according to the thickness, being the thinner for asphalt / casual, since less protection is needed, and as it increases the thickness we can use it for more abrupt terrain, until an active life by the mountain.

Huaraches On Road/Casual

ZaUri Hanami

Pies Sucios Simna

Enix 050

Xero Shoes Genesis

Xero Shoes Cloud

Luna Sandals Origen

Vivobarefoot Eclipse

Luna Sandals Origen 2.0

Luna Sandals Origen Flaco

Luna Sandals Venado 2.0

Luna Sandals Brujita

Huaraches On Road/Off Road

ZaUri Centur

Pies Sucios Terra

Enix 080

Enix 66

Enix 105

Luna Sandals Mono 2.0

Luna Sandals Mono Winged Edition

Luna Sandals Mono Chocolate

Huaraches Trails

Pies Sucios Nunche 3

Enix V2

Pies Sucios Stone

Luna Sandals Oso

Luna Sandals Oso Winged Edition

Huarache for kids

Zauri Hanami Kids

Zauri Centur Kids

Luna Sandals Kids -Lunacito-

Publicado el 05/21/2017 por @zami_es Shoes Review 0 21472

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