Insoles are not suitable for flat feet

Insoles are not suitable for flat feet

If you have flat feet and wear insoles, check out what Victoria has to say.

"In my childhood I wore insoles for 14 years because of flat feet.

Today I'm 38, I still have flat feet, I have bunions and I don't wear insoles because I don't go to a podiatrist.

If I did, I'm sure he would put them in".

After all her childhood with insoles, Victoria still has flat feet.

For her, insoles are a patch, a crutch for her feet, not a solution.

Victoria says this, not me.

I don't have flat feet, quite the opposite.

But imagine that Victoria goes to the podiatrist and gets insoles.

She puts them in her Vans shoes, which she wears all the time.

Does it make sense for her to wear the insoles in these shoes?

Vans shoes are narrow, they squeeze your toes, and they push your big toe out of its natural position.


They are a bit stiff, heavy and change the way you walk and move.

They usually have a raised heel, sometimes hidden under the insole. This changes your centre of gravity and the curves of your back.

And if Vans shoes change your feet, so do the podiatrist's insoles.

Which one affects you more?

The Vans or the insoles?

For the podiatrist's insoles to work, you have to wear them in shoes that don't modify your feet.

If you put them in a shoe that already changes your centre of gravity and the distribution of pressure on your feet, adding the insoles will change it even more.

So if you are going to use insoles, do it on a neutral, stable and wide base. Do it in a minimalist shoe.


I'm still with Victoria and her flat feet.

"I found out about minimalist shoes when I was looking for shoes for my niece and from that moment on I knew they were for me, as my feet have always felt constricted.

I know I'm going to do some exercises for my feet, before I go back to insoles.

What shoes do you recommend?"

One that allows your toes to move, especially the big toe, so that your plantar arch is strengthened without you knowing it.

And to get more circulation to your feet and avoid plantar fasciitis.

As Victoria likes Vans, some that have the same style.


With these you will feel comfortable from minute 1 and you can wear them whether you have flat feet or not.

Health starts with your feet.

- Antonio Caballo -

Pd 1. These are the foot exercises that Victoria was talking about.

Pd 2. And to straighten bunions and crooked toes, the Correct Toes. You can use them at home and inside your Lems while walking.

Publicado el 02/13/2022 por @antonio.caballo Flat feet 0 31318

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