"There are no better boots for hiking in the mountains"

"There are no better boots for hiking in the mountains"

If you like walking in hiking boots, you will find Katahrina's story useful.

She had a serious ankle injury and despite that she moves around the Alps as if she were taking a walk in the park.

Her pictures from the mountains made me jelous.

I like few things more than what Katharina does.

She says:

"With my Tracker Forest ESC boots I hiked 1000 kilometres in the Swiss Alps last summer, and in autumn I was at over 5000 metres in Nepal."

Walking, Alps, summer....

3 words that alone convey joy to me. And she puts them together in the same experience.

Years ago, in summer, I used to go hiking for a week in the mountains with some friends. One summer I couldn't and the habit was lost.

Back to Katarina. Her injury is totally forgotten.

She works as a yoga teacher, is always barefoot and can't stand "normal'' shoes.

She writes "normal" in inverted commas because it would be normal for all shoes to be minimalist shoes.

You know, with a wide last, flat, flexible and with a sole thickness appropriate to the activity you do.

For hiking, thicker and with cleats.

For daily use, less sole and smooth.

Her experience in the high mountains we must be have in mind. When talking about boots, he says:

"I already have a Tracker Forest ESC and I wear them all the time, except when I'm wearing crampons or snowshoes.

My husband, my dog and I are going to walk two big stages: first from Nice to Chamonix (in May/June) and then from Chamonix to Davos (in August/September), so I needed a new pair of Tracker Forest ESCs.

The old ones are still good, but we want to do a lot of kilometres and I prefer to be well prepared.

I have to tell you that I have worn out four pairs of Tracker HI because the rubber rim breaks. But of course, I walk a lot! In the Tracker Forest ESC that doesn't happen to me.

There are simply no better boots for walking in the high mountains".

Finally, she gives me these pictures:


"A collage of places I've been with my Vivobarefoot and a picture of my shoe collection: all the shoes a woman needs! ....A mountain hug!"

The Vivobarefoot with which Katharina has got her feet back on their feet and is doing thousands of kilometres are:

And for the city


Pd.1 from Katarina:
"Thank you very much for the fast delivery. The Tracker ESC was not available in Switzerland, and the other online shops did not ship to Switzerland, but you made it possible for me, and I am very grateful for that!"

Pd.2 from Katarina:
"I enjoy the stories you send me. I spent a lot of time in Andalucía as a child and it's wonderful to read in Spanish again."

Publicado el 02/03/2022 por @antonio.caballo 1 7452

1 Comentario

  • Aitor Vidal Urrestarazu

    Aitor Vidal 02/07/2022

    Hola, seria la monda si alguna marca se anima a hacer botas de alpinismo (cramponeables) y botas de esqui de travesia con hormas mucho más naturales, ese dia muchos montañeros seremos mas felices. Para trekking, vivobarefoot bota o zapatilla sin duda.

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