A solution for foot and back pain

A solution for foot and back pain

Today I give you a quick and easy tip for back pain.

I was reminded of it by Giovanni, who visited the shop years ago and this week he sent me an email.

It goes like this:

'I need you not to send me your newsletter because I only use Vivobarefoot and Merrell since I visited your shop 6 or 7 years ago in Marchena.

In other words, I'm already re-educated, hahaha.

Even without telling you, I've sent you a dozen new customers in the last 4 years, since my wife solved all her foot and back pain problems with the first Merrell barefoot pair she bought in your shop.

And since my son was born he only wears healthy shoes: wide, flexible and with 0 drop'.

His wife solved her foot and back problems when she switched to flat, wide, low-soled shoes.

It is clear that her foot pain was related to the shoes, and probably her back pain as well.

However, it may also be that by eliminating the pain in his foot he walked more, and this movement relieved his back.

Experts say that back pain is relieved by activity, movement or sport.

And best of all, no matter what you do, if you move more, your back pain will lessen.

And that's the advice: Movement.

Whatever it is, whatever you like.

And the more varied, the better for you.

Another thing is that to move more and better, your feet should not be heavy, they should be light.

That's how Evolution designed them.

You know, a quality system of thousands of years.

If you just didn't move, you died.

So don't put on chains, take off those heavy boots or those mega Nike-type cushioned shoes and move.


Just the way Evolution likes it.

Or almost, as we like it at ZaMi.

You've noticed our logo.

The sole is a feather.

Is there anything lighter than a feather?

The health of your back starts with your feet.

- Antonio Caballo -

Pd. Sometimes you ask me about the transition to healthy footwear. For walking, working or going to the gym you don't need them. If this is your case you can use these multipurpose shoes that also have a great design:

  • The Vivobarefoot Primus Lite III (men and women).

You only need transition if you are going to run or have had an injury. Some shoes for this case are:

Publicado el 01/16/2022 por @antonio.caballo Heel and back pain 0 4868

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