The knee operation you can avoid

The knee operation you can avoid

Have you had an operation on your knees, do they hurt or do you have a prosthesis?

Then this is of interest to you.

A couple from Malaga used to go for a walk every afternoon.

The husband, who is more agile, encouraged his wife every day. She didn't always feel like it, but the doctor had told her that she had to lose weight.

So in the afternoons, Marta put on her high heels and accompanied her husband on the walks.

Sometimes they even walked up to a hermitage. It was a difficult walk because of the distance, 10 kilometres, and the steepness of the slope.

Over the months, she developed discomfort in her left knee, and worse, she had hardly lost any weight.

When she told her doctor, the answer was the same as the first time:

She had to lose weight.

What about the pain in my knee? asked Marta.

Also because of the weight answered the doctor.

And he gave her a photocopy of a diet.

But Marta was very hungry on that diet and after a few days she gave it up.

One morning, when she tried to get out of bed, Marta's knee gave up. It was swollen, like a handball, and she couldn't take a step.

To her doctor's surprise, the knee was completely shattered. There was nothing to be done, she needed a complete prosthesis.

After 4 years of patient waiting, Marta was operated on. Her left leg shows a large scar from north and south across the knee.

Marta is now 65 years old and says that it is harder for her to walk than before.

And not only her knees, but also her feet.

They hurt.

Both of them.

Although her face is affable, when she speaks you can feel her pain.

He takes off her shoes and says:

What a relief!

Inside the feet were corseted. And as if they were breasts, they protruded in an attempt to free themselves from their oppression.

I have never seen such trapped feet.

She comes recommended by a physiotherapist. The one who helped her in her rehabilitation.

She talked to her about the importance of having stable feet:

 - It is very difficult to have stable knees if your feet are not stable.

 - The more room your feet have to expand, the more stable your knees will be.

 - Do you see the big toe leaning towards the inside of the foot? That tilt takes strength and stability away from your feet, and also from your knees.

 - The closer your feet are to the ground, the more stable your knees will be and the less risk you have of spraining your ankle.

After trying on several models, she found what he was looking for. She gets up and starts walking.

How comfortable they are!

And they don't bother me anywhere.

She likes them so much that she does not remove them from her feet.

And she puts her old 'foot-squeezing' shoes in the Xero Shoes Hana Leather box.

These shoes have everything she needs:

  • Wide last, so that the toes can open up and she has more support surface.
  • Flat or without heel. For the correct balance of the body and the distribution of pressure on the knees. So that the wear of the cartilages is the same on all sides.
  • Thin soles for greater stability.
  • Very easy to put on.
  • And with a design to be worn every day. In addition of soft leather, which are more pleasant and adapt better to the feet.

She says goodbye with a smile and promises to visit us again.

Pd. Marta also took the Joe-Nimble Recovery Sandal for the house.
A pure minimalist that helps you to recover the linearity of the big toe. Highly recommended if you have bunions or a crooked big toe.

Health starts with your feet and the shoes you wear.

Publicado el 09/10/2021 por @ZaMi 3 4621

3 Comentarios

  • Ana Belen Corres Achuri

    Ana Belen 09/20/2021

    Y cuando el problema viene del calzado de seguridad? como se puede mejorar? lo consulto por la obligación por parte de la empresa a usar un modelo determinado
    • Antonio Caballo

      Antonio Caballo 09/20/2021

      Comprendo tu problema. Debe ser duro trabajar con un calzado que sabes que te está dañando. Y más si a este calzado se le llama de seguridad.
      Seguridad sí, pero a costa de la salud de tus pies (y su influencia en las rodillas, caderas, espalda..)

      Se me ocurren dos soluciones:
      Para empezar le quitaría la plantilla. A veces, estas plantillas son más gruesas por la parte del talón, por lo que también influyen en la altura del tacón (se suele decir drop). Esto sólo solucionaría el tema del talón, el resto de problemas no los soluciona. Me refiero a la anchura de las botas y la flexibilidad, ...

      La otra solución es hablar con la empresa y hacerle ver la problemática de usar un calzado que vaya contra la anatomía del cuerpo.
      Que la empresa se de cuenta de que usar un calzado respetuoso le trae más ventajas que inconvenientes.
      ¿Tienes compañeros que se quejen de las botas de seguridad? Coméntale que hay opciones más amigable para sus pies. La unión hace la fuerza.

      También te puedes ofrecer a comprarlas y que ellos te bonifiquen.....en fin, es cuestión de plantearles alternativas.

      Creo que hablando podríais llegar a una situación de compromiso para ambos.

  • Carlos Gustavo Martín Pérez

    Carlos Gustavo 09/13/2021

    ¡Qué bueno por Marta!! y además he aprendido algo nuevo sobre los pulgares.

    ¡Un saludo!

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