Ugly! if this woman says it will be true

Ugly! if this woman says it will be true

Today's topic is about ugly feet and how to have them beautiful.

But not for aesthetics, but because ugly feet work badly and cause pain.

The other day I was called ugly.

It was when I passed in front of a woman who lives in the street with a bottle in her hand.

Looking me in the face she said to me:

- Ugly, you are very ugly!

For a moment I was about to say something back, but I didn't really know what to say.

They say that children and drunks always tell the truth.

That's what they say.

Although I prefer not to believe it.

There's no solution for my face, the most I can do is change my hairdresser.

But my feet are another matter.

When I started with the minimalist shoes my feet were stiff, with a lot of bridge and claw toes.

Eleven years later they are different.

The size has increased in length and width.

The plantar arch is flatter.

And all the toes are aligned and separated from each other.

They don't smell bad either. I spend many hours of the day barefoot or in sandals, so they are ventilated.


Ugly, you are so ugly! they are not.

However, many people refer to their feet as deformed.

And they shouldn't have to, as they were born very pretty.

A baby's feet exude softness, cleanliness and vitality.

They are beautiful.

So why do they become ugly?

Why do they become ugly, spoiled and even painful?

Corns, black toenails, calluses, bunions, ingrown toenails, fungus, Morton's neuroma, spurs ....

The list is long.

Have you ever wondered?

Think about hands.

They're not much different from feet.

But they don't get locked in a box.

Feet are.

From the moment you're born.

Even for sleeping.

There are shoes for the cradle.

The Chicco brand sold them a lot.

Then came heels, patent leather shoes, pointed toes, rigid and narrow, even with air chambers, as if they were the wheels of a bicycle.

And feet became ugly, deformed and smelly.

They lost their mobility.

From being the strongest to the weakest.

Where the injuries came from.

And here we are, years later.

Looking for a solution.

And it is none other than to remove the box that covers them.

Allowing them to feel, to experiment, to learn, to recover the beauty they had at birth.



Or almost.

Flexible and wide, like a baby's foot.

No heel, just like your foot at birth.

And only 5 mm, but with 5 times more protection than a sole of the same thickness.

Barefoot or almost.

Also Vivobarefoot Primus Sport for:

Beauty starts with your feet.

Publicado el 07/30/2021 por @ZaMi 0 6750

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