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3 "weird" things that happen to your feet when you stop wearing conventional shoes
Last week I told you how Cristina was struggling to make progress.That many believe that putting on barefoot...Read More
2 years with barefoot shoes and she is not improving
This week Cristina sent me a photo of her feet and tells me:“I've been wearing almost exclusively minimalist...Read More
The genius who invented Fivefingers has died… but his legacy lives on in your feet
If you've been into barefoot footwear for a while, you surely know about Vibram Five Fingers.Today, I want to pay...Read More
Show me your feet and I'll tell you how old you are
How old are you?OK, don't tell me if you don't want to.But if you look at your feet, how old are they?Are...Read More
Is Barefoot expensive? you will see that Yes
They always tell me: "Barefoot shoes are insanely expensive."I've heard it more times than "Put your shoes on, or...Read More
The small print that they don't tell you (neither in contracts, nor on your shoes)
Last Monday, while I was having my afternoon coffee at the bar, a man approached me and said:- "Sorry to...Read More
Why do your feet hurt if barefoot shoes are the best?
Pepi, a client, tells us the following.She went to the podiatrist for her foot pain, has stiff feet, high arches,...Read More
How barefoot shoes should fit: Forget about traditional sizing
If, when trying on barefoot shoes, you felt like they were too big, congratulations: you've probably chosen the right...Read More
They are very wide... they seem to be for young people
It happens a lot. Someone calls and the first thing they say is:“I'm looking for a shoe for my mother, it's not...Read More
Can you imagine Paying a elper to Break In your new shoes?
New shoes. How exciting!You put them on, look in the mirror and think: "Pure elegance."But as soon as you...Read More
Can Your Mother with Osteoarthritis Wear Barefoot Shoes?
I know you already know the benefits of barefoot shoes.You wear them and for your child it is a non-negotiable....Read More
An endearing photo that Hides a reality
Look at the photo.What do you see?Two elderly people walking together.One with a cane. The other holding...Read More
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